//news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=6FF55384-1A64-6A71-CE0D47EC67CF2986 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Author warns of Russia's and China's 'Spinternet' o Ellen Messmer--- ------------------------------------------------------------ 0.01.2011 kl 12:29 | Network World (US)-- -------------------------------------------------------------- Is the Internet, with its blogs, tweets, e-mail, Web and social networking sites, a force to change places such as Iran, China, Vietnam and Russia into Western-style democracies with the West's ideas about freedom of expression and political rights?- ------------------------------------------------------ Is the Internet, with its blogs, tweets, e-mail, Web and social networking sites, a force to change places such as Iran, China, Vietnam and Russia into Western-style democracies with the West's ideas about freedom of expression and political rights?- -----------------------------------