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Showing posts from May 6, 2007

Gay Mafia Threaten Bishops In Italy and Colombia

Are We Entering Into An Anti-Christian Gay Totalitarianism? Gay activists threatened Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco with a “bullet in an envelope” in Italy and threatened to arrest Colombian Archbishop Fabio Betancourt Tirado for opposing the sin of homosexuality. Are we entering into an anti-Christian Gay Totalitarianism? The AP report below said “[Vatican Radio]quoted a Genoa newspaper as saying the [bullet]envelope also contained a photo of the archbishop with a swastika cut into it.” Fred Italian Bishop Threatened With Bullet Italian Bishop Against Same-Sex Unions Receives Bullet At His Office VATICAN CITY, Apr. 29, 2007 (AP) The archbishop of the Italian city of Genoa received a bullet in an envelope at his office _ the latest threatening message for the prelate, who is leading a campaign against same-sex unions, Vatican Radio said Sunday. The bullet arrived Friday at the office of Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco, who was recently elected to head the politically influential Italian Bishop...

Mass Citizens for Life circling like vultures to attack anyone who dares to point out Romney bought them for 15 thousand

I received the email below from Carol McKinley who is one of the top Catholic and pro-life leaders in Massachusetts. Fred Mass Citizens for Life circling like vultures to attack anyone who dares to point out Romney bought them for 15 thousand Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 09:06:49 -0400 From: View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert CC: Dear Prolife Friends and Members of the Press: Mass Citizens for Life is at it again. According to Romney, his wife Ann is now "one of the heads" of Mass Citizen for Life - which explains why Catholic Hospitals are giving out emergency abortifacients under Romney's illegal edict. I don't know about you-but I intend to find out what position she holds, and the date and time the vote was taken by the Board of Directors. "I know there are some campaigns that want to keep reminding people of that," said Romney. "It's really hard for me to gauge what people will do." "Her contributions ...

Things to Worry About if You Convert to Islam

Things to Worry About if You Convert to Islam Daveed Gartenstein-Ross’ “My Year Inside Radical Islam” overviews how he converted to moderate Islam. But wanting to deepen his faith and learning the details of the Koran and other “holy” books of Islam, he found out that he had to: -“[W]orry about whether people should really be killed for leaving Islam... -Eating: right hand only. -Pants: below the knees but above the ankles. -Touching: not okay for dogs or women... -Music: forbidden. -Paying interest: forbidden. -The beard: required.” (Page 162)

Are Schizophrenics Role Models for Freud and Anthropologists?

Are Schizophrenics Role Models for Freud and Anthropologists? English professor Louis Markos on page 44 of his book "Lewis Agonistes" thinks that most modern anthropologists and Freud's models for normal human behavior are schizophrenics. I agree. “Modern anthropologists would have us believe that there are no absolute ethical standards that are true for all human cultures. Indeed, they have been so successful in convincing us of this "fact” that most now take for granted that morality is relative, and that it shifts radically from culture to culture. This is most emphatically untrue...No one in his right mind would define normal human behavior on the basis of a handful of schizophrenics (though one could argue this is exactly what Freud did!).”