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Showing posts from November 11, 2007

Anti-Ron Brown vs. Pro-Ron Brown

Below are an anti-Ron Brown piece and a pro-Ron Brown article from the Townhall site. The anti-article sounds like a sound bite and the pro-article seems to use reason. It's hard to get a take on Brown because nobody against him seems willing to debate the guy issue to issue. Am I the only one to notice this, but doesn't Brown seems like the only presidential candidate who is a real person? The rest of the would be presidents, be they demos or repubs, seem like cartoon characters at best. I say at best because I like cartoons. Phoney is a better word to describe the impression I get from the rest of presidential candidates. Fred Is Ron Paul really so crazy? (townhall) ^ | 10/23/07 | Jason Wharton Posted on 10/24/2007 12:03:08 PM PDT by traviskicks Is Ron Paul crazy for his position on the war and for criticizing our nation's foreign policy? Many believe this to be the case. But, might we be mischaracterizing Ron Paul by over simplifying or clouding the issues?

Ron Paul Reminds me of Ronald Reagan

Ron Paul Reminds me of Ronald Reagan I'm starting to to like Ron Paul. He reminds me of Ronald Reagan. Fred Ron Paul: Republicans need Reagan's courage Nick Juliano Published: Tuesday May 15, 2007 Long-shot Republican candidate Ron Paul said the current slate of candidates need the "courage" of former President Ronald Reagan to be able to withdraw US troops from Iraq. The Texas Congressman, who has become an internet favorite but does not register much support in polls, said the Middle East is too unstable a region in which to maintain an indefinite US military presence. Paul compared the current "quagmire" in Iraq to military involvement in Lebanon in the early 1980s. "We need the courage of a Ronald Reagan," Paul said, explaining the former president initially vowed not to withdraw US Marines who were attacked in October 1983 in Beirut while serving as part of a multinational peacekeeping force. Reagan withdrew the troops in February of the fo

"Giuliani is pro-homosexual to the max"

A Rudy Giuliani letter showing his support of homosexuality From: Donna Garner How can we as values voters possibly consider voting for Giuliani? A photocopy of the following transcribed letter is at the above link, along with more letters and other material showing that Giuliani is pro-homosexual to the max. Donna Garner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 25, 2002 STONEWALL Veterans' Association Williamson L. Henderson, Director 70-A Greenwich Avenue, Suite 120 New York, New York 10011 Dear Friends: I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to you on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion. The work of the STONEWALL Veterans' Association keeps the spirit of the rebellion alive. The Rebellion was a triumph at a time when the struggle for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Civil Rights was just beginning. Over the past

Boycott Pat Robertson

Evangelicals Boycott Pat Robertson BUENA PARK, Calif., Nov. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Former 2nd Vice President of the 15 Million strong Southern Baptist Convention said he is calling his Church, First Southern Baptist of Buena Park and all Evangelicals to boycott CBN and The 700 Club, since Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. Drake said there is a special nationwide prayer meeting daily to pray that Robertson will "repent and return to his first love" especially concerning the unborn and the homosexual agenda in America. The Daily Telephone Conference call can be joined at 8:00 am ET 1-605-772-3900 access code 399430# There are several suggestions on the Boycott: Call CBN Switchboard 1-757-226-7000 or their 24- hour Prayer Line 1-800-759-0700 and order line 1- 805-549-2500 and let them know you are boycotting until Mr. Robertson repents and returns. List your name as an individual or your organization in support of the boycott, daily on the "Wiley D

"Don't think it's a standard romance with a standard ending because [Bella is] very different."

Hurry to see Bella! It is a great story and a good story - those don't always go together! It's great because of the dramatic events that the characters go through, and it's good because it shows you how things should be. Don't think it's a standard romance with a standard ending because it's very different. You really won't see it coming - I didn't. It is so powerful that several women who saw the movie immediately decided not to have a planned abortion. You really have to hurry because it might only be in town for a week. It has won numerous awards but Hollywood won't distribute it because of its prolife message. A grass-roots network of volunteers is distributing it, so catch it while you can. Here's how to find a theater: Why not to go: Violence--a car accident has a brief flash of blood. Language--one rude word is said instead of "that stinks." Abortion--they discuss it but you don't see it. Rela