Below are an anti-Ron Brown piece and a pro-Ron Brown article from the Townhall site. The anti-article sounds like a sound bite and the pro-article seems to use reason. It's hard to get a take on Brown because nobody against him seems willing to debate the guy issue to issue. Am I the only one to notice this, but doesn't Brown seems like the only presidential candidate who is a real person? The rest of the would be presidents, be they demos or repubs, seem like cartoon characters at best. I say at best because I like cartoons. Phoney is a better word to describe the impression I get from the rest of presidential candidates. Fred Is Ron Paul really so crazy? (townhall) ^ | 10/23/07 | Jason Wharton Posted on 10/24/2007 12:03:08 PM PDT by traviskicks Is Ron Paul crazy for his position on the war and for criticizing our nation's foreign policy? Many believe this to be the case. But, might we be mischaracterizing Ron Paul by over simplifying or clouding the issues?