Is the Bush Secretive Presidential Directive a Prelude to Dictatorship? Why is the Left Remaining Silent?
Jerome Corsi, coauthor of "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry," said today on the Michael Savage Show that the left is remaining silent while only conservatives are warning about the secretive presidential directive that appears to be an unconstitutional power grab. Savage said the presidential directive appears to be a possible prelude to “dictatorship.” In the World Net Daily, Corsi wrote: “President Bush had signed May 9 a little-reported National Security and Homeland Security Directive (NSPD-51 and NSPD-20) that granted extraordinary powers to the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight.” What concerned Corsi and Savage was Bush’s recent harsh attack on conservatives over immigration and the total silence by the leftist media and bloggers even as they are making excuses for the recent destruction of free speech in Venezuela by Hugo Chavez. Bush's detention facilit...