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Showing posts from March 1, 2020

De Mattei knows "Popes [can] be Deposed... for... Heresy" & be Corrected to the point of being Threatened with being Burned at the "Stake"; Why is he now Silent about it?

One Five publisher Steve Skojec has promoted Bishop Athanasius Schneider's claim that popes cannot be deposed for heresy which "puzzled" renowned historian and scholar Roberto de Mattei. The renowned scholar apparently, also, has a different take on what "universal acceptance" means than Bishop Schneider promoter Skojec. It appears to means to the scholar that a heretical pope who (apparently was lawfully elected) could lose the papacy if he is not "accepted by the universal Church." The 1P5 publisher seems to think "universal acceptance" is a "infallible fact" that a claimant for the papacy is definitely a pope even if his pontifical election was unlawful such as if he violated the conclave constitution of the previous pope for a lawful election. De Mattei said he was "puzzled" by Schneider's claim that "popes cannot be deposed... for... heresy" because the bishop held a position contrary to Doc...

"Would that Cdl. Burke, Bp. Schneider, and others Realize that and Act Accordingly"

Some times the comments in the Catholic Monitor section are better than many of my posts. This time a reader of CM called Ademar wrote a excellent comment which needed to be a posted: JMJ In a Catholic society, such as King Philippe's was, grave sin was dealt with by means of capital punishment in its three-fold good of Retribution, Reparation, and Deterrence. As a result, Godly societal order was preserved thru the corresponding three-fold result of Justice for the aggrieved, Expiation for the guilty, and Hesitancy of would-be evildoers to commit evil. In our current luciferian order within society, wherein evil is rewarded and good punished, a massive reset is needed, including generously-applied capital punishment for grave sins. The reset will require Divine intervention, but keeping in mind that God usually uses human instruments for that. Would that Cdl. Burke, Bp. Schneider, and others realize that and act accordingly -- because if the human instruments of Divine interve...

Does "the Vatican State have BIG PLANS"?

Many times the comments in the Catholic Monitor section are as good as my original post. This time a commenter STARK wrote a excellent comment with conjecture which needed to be a posted: Fascinating information and good work putting this together. I’m familiar with this info but something else really bothers me. With the Vatican’s push & promotion of the NWO UN Environmental Sustainability pseudoscience initiatives, vast amounts of money will be created, loaned out, and transferred all over the world. As we well understand that global warming is nothing more than the complete takeover of world power with a police state tyranny, the oligarchs will have complete cover to institute their nefarious plans. The Vatican Bank (similar to Swiss banks, Cayman Island banks etc) is well positioned to be an even bigger player in the money laundering & tax evasion world. The sums of money planned for worldwide spending on ‘green initiatives’ is staggering. The money w...

Would the Medieval French King have "Threatened" Francis "with Burning at the Stake, as a Heretic"?

The Medieval Pope John XXII taught heresy on a relatively minor point on when people received the beatific vision. The French King Philippe de Valois not being a timid rabbit like Bishop Athanasius Schneider or Cardinal Raymond Burke wasn't afraid to issue a correction against heresy with a warning: "Philippe de Valois... threatened  John XXII with burning at the stake, as a heretic." (On History: Introduction to the History (1831),  By Jules Michelet, Page 126) If King de Valois were alife today would he with a correction have "threatened" Francis for his Communion for adulterers heresy "with burning at the stake, as a heretic"? Why can't Cardinal Burke follow the French king's example by issuing a correction to Francis for his Communion for adulterers heresy without the "burning at the stake, as a heretic" part? Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacr...

Might Archbishop Lenga's Turkmenistan be the first Country to Convene an Imperfect Council to Declare Francis an Antipope?

Archbishop Jan Lenga was formerly the "Apostlic Administrator" of not only Kazakhstan, but of the tiny country of Turkmenistan. (Fatima, Russia and Pope John Paul II: How Mary Intervened to Deliver Russia," Page 202) Interestingly, the Catholic Monitor which has given some coverage to Archbishop Lenga's position that Francis is an antipope has begun noticing that the people of Turkmenistan are starting to read the online Monitor. Might Lenga's former territory of Turkmenistan be the first country to declare Francis an antipope in an imperfect council as St. Bernard of Clairvaux's imperfect council in France was the first to declared the supposed pope in Rome Anacletus an antipope? Is Lenga in schism as some may be stating for claiming Pope Benedict XVI's resignation was invalid thus Francis is an antipope? It must be remembered in history that St. Bernard claimed the supposed pope in Rome was an antipope as Lenga is doing and was declared correct by...

Is Barack Obama a "Closet Homosexual" and a "Atheist"?

Sylvester Stallone said: Obama is a “closet homosexual” who “lived his whole pathetic life as a lie... I have nothing against homos, but I can’t stand liars .” “ Everybody who is anybody in Chicago knows all about the real Barack Obama ,” Stallone said on the set of  Creed 2 . “ I’ve spent a lot of time in Chicago and the stories you hear about that guy – wow. It just disturbs me and concerns me that we had a liar and a fraud in control for eight years. “ [ ] Remember when people were claiming that George W. Bush took cocaine. I don’t remember any of them saying they were willing to submit to a polygraph test or filing a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimidation by Bush's staff. Larry Sinclair was willing to submit to a polygraph test and is filing a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimidation by Obama's staff. Sin...

2018 Ryan Grant: Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine says Bp. Schneider is Wrong

Bishop Athanasius Schneider claims that the Church cannot depose a manifest heretical pope. In 2018, Latin language expert Ryan Grant in a talk against Sedevantists apparently said Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine disagrees with Schneider: "If the pope were a manifest heretic and he ceased to be pope as soon as the Church through a council... that is once they defined the crime, the penalty has already been imposed, so everyone now knows he is not the pope. Now the Church can depose him and elect a new pope and that is essentially Bellarmine's teaching... " "... The separation from the man from the office. But it can't be carried out until the crime has been defined... It's not likely to happen... [But, its] the Church not [Sedevantist] bloggers [who do it]... But they [Sedevantists] will argue all the bishops are heretical. Then you go back to Bellarmine... It's in chapter 11 in "Church Militant": 'The pope and all the univ...

Do Marshall and Schneider think they are Greater Theologians than Doctors of the Church St. Bellarmine and St. Francis de Sales?

Slideshow                Slideshow +14086609352 Hide To mrtnzfred Cc   Bcc   Slideshow   So, Taylor Marshall in his podcast with Bishop Athanasius Schneider says we recognize Pope Benedict XVI as Pope--but does he recognize us? Marshall seems to feel this is a stroke of genius on his own part.  It is not.  Whether Benedict "recognizes us" is totally immaterial. What part of "Universi Dominici Gregis" do these two not understand?   Moreover, on November 15, 2019, Taylor Marshall said "Bellarmine says when anyone is a manifest heretic even the pope he ceases to be a member of the Church and they can no longer hold their office":   "... [Marshall said] Bellarmine says when anyone is a manifest heretic even the pope he ceases to be a member of t...

Why did Taylor Marshall Chicken Out in Questioning Bp. Schneider on the Bellarmine teaching on Heretical Popes Ceasing to be Pope?

Why did Taylor Marshall Chicken Out in Questioning Bp. Schneider on the Bellarmine teaching on Heretical Popes Ceasing to be Pope? - Updated March 2, 2020 On November 15, 2019, Taylor Marshall said "Bellarmine says when anyone is a manifest heretic even the pope he ceases to be a member of the Church and they can no longer hold their office " Why did Marshall chicken out in questioning Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine's teaching on heretic popes ceasing to be pope in his podcast with Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the 28th of February? On November 15, Marshall and the contributing editor of The American Spectator George Neumayr who is a best-selling author and former editor of the Catholic World Report apparently called on the Catholic cardinals to convene in order to judge if Francis is a "manifest heretic" which could mean he "self vacated the Chair of St. Peter" and is no longer the pope. In Marsh...

Why is Ferrera now Pretending that Archbishop Lenga doesn't Exist?

 In 2015 and 2016, it appears Remnant writer Chris Ferrara wasn't a Francis traditionalist. In 2016, the writer said: "Perhaps a better approach is to amass the evidence and send it to every cardinal, demanding they convene [an imperfect council] and issue the kind of judgement Bellarmine contemplated in this situation: not that the Pope is deposed, but that he has deposed himself. Such a hypothetical conclave would offer the Pope an opportunity to explain himself." (One Peter Fives' comment section, "If Francis is an Antipope, We Can't know it Yet," June 21, 2016) In 2015, Ferrera said that Archbishop Jan Pawel Leng's statement that " It is difficult to believe that Pope Benedict XVI freely renounced his ministry as successor of Peter" was of " historic importance": "We can assume that prudence constrained Archbishop Lenga not to point directly at the place where the trail of accountability ends. That aside, howev...

Why is Rorate Caeli now Pretending that Archbishop Lenga doesn't Exist?

In February 2015, Rorate Caeli wasn't a Francis traditionalist website and allowed " His Excellency Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga , to say " It is difficult to believe that Pope Benedict XVI freely renounced his ministry as successor of Peter": "It is difficult to believe that Pope Benedict XVI freely renounced his ministry as successor of Peter. Pope Benedict XVI was the head of the Church, his entourage however has barely translated his teachings into life, bypassed them often in silence or has rather obstructed his initiatives for an authentic reform of the Church, of the liturgy, of the manner to administer Holy Communion. In view of a great secrecy in the Vatican for many bishops it was realistically impossible to help the Pope in his duty as head and governor of the whole Church." Why is Rorate Caeli now pretending that Archbishop Lenga doesn't exist?  Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the ...

Coronavirus & Weak Immune Systems: Why is the Francis Italian "Hierarchy... being used by the Devil"?

On February 27, The Epoch Times reported: "President Donald Trump said that the risk to the American people continues to be very low because of early steps taken by the administration." "...The president noted that the seasonal flu kills 25,000 to 69,000 people in the United States every year, killing 360,000 over the past decade. In comparison, coronavirus has not resulted in the death of anyone in the United States." [ ] On February 29, The Epoch Times reported Ivan Pentchoukov   revealed: @IvanPentchoukov "Trump: first U.S. coronavirus death was a woman in her late 50s. She was a high-risk patient [as compared to 'the seasonal flu kills 25,000 to 69,000 people in the United States every year']." [ ] Put simply: If you ...

China Quarantine Needed: Why is Socialist Medical Care China the Center of Worldwide Pandemic Diseases?

RealClearScience, Newsweek and the Smithsonian Magazine explain why Socialist medical care China is the center of worldwide pandemic diseases: - Why is China such a hotspot for novel diseases? "It’s not a big mystery why this is happening… lots of concentrated population, with intimate contact with lots of species of animals that are potential reservoirs, and they don’t have great hygiene required. It’s a recipe for spitting out these kinds of viruses," Dr. Steven Novella recently opined on an episode of the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe . South Central China is a noted "mixing vessel" for viruses, Dr. Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance, told PBS in 2016 . There's lots of livestock farming, particularly poultry and pigs, with limited sanitation and lax oversight. Farmers often bring their livestock to "wet markets" where they can come into contact with all sorts of exotic animals. The various birds, mammals, and reptiles host vi...