De Mattei knows "Popes [can] be Deposed... for... Heresy" & be Corrected to the point of being Threatened with being Burned at the "Stake"; Why is he now Silent about it?
One Five publisher Steve Skojec has promoted Bishop Athanasius Schneider's claim that popes cannot be deposed for heresy which "puzzled" renowned historian and scholar Roberto de Mattei. The renowned scholar apparently, also, has a different take on what "universal acceptance" means than Bishop Schneider promoter Skojec. It appears to means to the scholar that a heretical pope who (apparently was lawfully elected) could lose the papacy if he is not "accepted by the universal Church." The 1P5 publisher seems to think "universal acceptance" is a "infallible fact" that a claimant for the papacy is definitely a pope even if his pontifical election was unlawful such as if he violated the conclave constitution of the previous pope for a lawful election. De Mattei said he was "puzzled" by Schneider's claim that "popes cannot be deposed... for... heresy" because the bishop held a position contrary to Doc...