El Papa Francisco operó para Monsanto y Rothschild senalesdelfin.com https://www.senalesdelfin.com › pa... · Translate this page Feb 15, 2016 — Lo que pocos saben de “Pope Francis” o el Papa Francisco , es que no sólo colaboró ampliamente con Monsanto mientras presidió la Iglesia ... "Why a Argentinian Pope? The reason is because Monsanto and the pharmaceutical companies were allowed to work, operate and experiment without problems in Argentina." "There is a bond or link between the Church and Monsanto. The municipality and 'Caritas' a Church parochial organization called "La Merced" signed an agreement to manufacture transgenic [GMO] food... according to the documentary "Hambre de Soja [Hunger of the Soybean]." - "El Jesuita Bergoglio apoya a Monsanto," [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10qxNPzAnA[/video] The highly monitored Taringa is among the top five Facebook-like social networks in Latin America. I came across the