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Showing posts from 2017

St. Joseph, Our Lady, Discernment of Apparitions & the Fatima Reformation of the Church

A priest today asked me my opinion on the apparition in Itapiranga, Brazil. Here is part of what I wrote to him. The exorcist and scholar Fr. Chad Ripperger on YouTube gives the best short explanation on discernment of apparitions. Google his name, YouTube and "discernment of apparitions" if you want to view the talk to learn how to tell the difference between true and false apparitions. In my opinion, on the positive side of the Brazil apparition, I do like that apparently St. Joseph and Our Lady are both an important part of it. The best book on the development of the teachings on St. Joseph by the saints and the Church is titled "Joseph, Shadow of thr Father" by Fr. Andrew Doze. I think that the general thesis of Doze's book is correct: Which is that devotion to Our Lady, as being the best way to Jesus, can't be separated from devotion to St. Joseph. On the negative side which Fr. Ripperger points out, most approved apparitions are not prol...

The Dark Lord, his Servant the White Wizard vs. the Hobbit Steve, the Gray Wizard Frank, the Elf Queen Liz & the Rag-Tag "Band of Bloggers" that is the Resistance

An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth ... ▶ 59:41 The rag-tag "band of bloggers" is fighting the huge seemingly all powerful Star Wars empire of the evil Emperor and his servant Darth Vader. Or better yet, the insignificant little hobbits of "The Lord of the Rings" are resisting Sauron the Dark Lord and his servant Saruman the White Wizard. Australian professor Anna Silvas in an important conference in Rome on Amoris Laetitia said the lay resistance to Communion for adulterers and the denial of intrinsically evil acts is lead by persons like "hobbits, an insignificant folk." She singled out the "courageous struggler, Steve Skojec, on 1P5. Pray for Steve and his family." Steve is Frodo the leader of the little hobbits resisting the Dark Lord and yet remaining humble remembering this battle is about keeping ...

Does Pope Francis Work for Soros & the UN?

A internationally respected investigator and attorney as well as the documented facts gives us the detailed answer below on whom the present Pope is really working for: Pope Francis on September 1, 2016 said he was "gratified that on September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals" which calls for universal access to abortion. Does this means that Francis is "gratified" about universal access to abortion because he made no qualifying exception to abortion in his endorsement then or to this day? Does the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals really plan universal access to abortion? Goal 6 of the United Nations (UN) Substantial Development Goals (SDG) states that nations must: "Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights." The UN Conference in Cairo in 1994 said "abortion (as specified in paragraph 8.25)" is a "basic component of reproductive health ca...

Cdl. Parolin vs. Pope Francis?

Did Pope Francis keep Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga "co-ordinator" of the papal inner circle C9 in office for seven months despite his knowing of the Cardinal's scandal? The United Kingdom Spectator's Damian Thompson reported on who may be behind this embarrassing expose of Francis's "Vice-Pope" or "co-ordinator" of the C9: "Are we to believe, then, that Francis kept Maradiaga in office for seven months while the outside world was told nothing of this scandal?" "Some Catholic observers are speculating that Maradiaga is the victim of a hit job by forces inside the Secretariat of State, the sprawling department of the Pope’s ‘prime minister’ Cardinal Pietro Parolin." "Parolin’s increasingly powerful... profoundly threatened by a new model of Church government... known as 'C9'. Taking out its co-ordinator would effectively demolish this divided and unimpressive body – and also help Parolin position himself a...

Cdl. Burke Keep your Word: Issue First Correction & possibly Second Correction on January 7 after Epiphany so Francis can Recant or be "Canonically Guilty of Heresy"

Last year, Cardinal Raymond Burke in an exclusive interview gave a timeline on the "formal correction" of Pope Francis: "Now of course we are in the last days, days of strong grace, before the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord... -the whole mystery of Our Lord's Birth and His Epiphany- so it would probably take place sometime after that." (LifeSiteNews, "Exclusive: Cardinal Burke suggests timeline for 'formal correction' of Pope Francis," December 19, 2016) All faithful Catholics must pray that Cdl. Burke keeps his word and after Epiphany, on January 7, that he issue the first correction and possibly the second formal correction. It is possible that the Dubia Cardinals, Cld. Burke and Cardinal Walter Brandmuller, have already issued the first correction to Francis. On January 4, LifeSiteNews reported that Cdl. Brandmuller told the Vatican Insider: "'I believe that Cardinal Burke is convinced that a formal correction mus...

Rosary For the Purification of the Church

Catholic author James Larson has established a new website titled Rosary To The Interior: For the Purification of the Church. It is found here:   James asks you to read the Proposal which it contains and think over whether you would like to be of additional help in furthering this effort.    He has also placed a new, short article on my War Against Being site titled Advent which explains why he think it so important and necessary to promote this during the Advent and Christmas season.    It would probably help if you read the Proposal first. The two websites are independent of one another, and for obvious reasons it would seem necessary to keep them separate. Please pray for the effort.   Advent   The Rosary to the Interior: For the Purification of the Church , scheduled to occur throughout our nation in parishes on February 2, 2018, now has its own website at: www.rosa...

St. Catherine's Advice to Cdl. Burke: Do Correction even if it Brings Schism

St. Catherine of Sienna was in the same situation that Cardinal Raymond Burke is now. Catherine knew what Cld. Burke knows which is that if God's will is done, in terms of speaking the truth and reforming the Church, there will be a schism. He fears that if he does God's will and issues the correction to Pope Francis that there will be a schism. The Cardinal needs to take the advice of St. Catherine who is not only one of the greatest saints in history, but a Doctor of the Church. Do God's will no matter the consequences. Do God's will even if it brings about a schism. She knew that if she did God's will and got the French Pope Gregory XI to leave the French court of Avignon and return to Rome that there would be a schism. Catherine knew that as long as Gregory stayed in France that would be no "reform" of "the morals of the clergy" and that the corrupt inner circle of the papacy would get more corrupt leading to the loss of more sou...

Pope Francis, Pope Honorius, Heretical Popes and Perspective

Dr. Luca Gili, a professor of philosophy at the University of Quebec in Montreal, told LifeSiteNews: “By saying that ‘there is no other interpretation’ [to guidelines that appear to blatantly approve Communion for adulterers], the pope is stating that he is (magisterially) proposing a doctrine which is contrary to the Sixth Commandment and to Saint Paul’s prohibition outlined in 1 Cor. 11:27-30." Dr. Gili in speaking of heresy said: “Any denial of a divinely revealed truth is (material) heresy, according to the definition of heresy in CIC 751. In conclusion, the pope is (allegedly) teaching a plain heresy.” [ ] With Pope Francis like Pope Honorius now officially teaching error we need a bird's eye view or perspecti...

Pope Francis Officially says Adulterers can receive Eucharist against God's "Divine Positive Law (Revelation)... Catholics are Not Permitted to Adhere"

- Updated December 7, 2017-'s December 3 headline said it all: "Pope's Letter on Argentinian Communion Guidelines for Remarried Given Official Status" The website said the Argentina letter "has now been added to the official acts of the Apostolic See, conferring official status." asked Magisterial authority expert Dr. John Joy about the papal act. The website wrote that "Dr. Joy pointed out that adding the letter to the AAS could... potentially" be "removing the possibility that it could be interpreted in a orthodox way... that the unorthodox intrepretation is the official one." [ Pope’s Letter on Argentinian Communion Guidelines for Remarried Given Official Status By Steve Skojec on Dec 02, 2017] The Argentinian Bishops Guidelines says couples in adulterous second marriages not living in continence in "other more complex circumstances... Amoris Laetitia opens up the possibility of acces...