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Showing posts from February 1, 2009

Conservationist Palin vs. Pro-Abortion Judd

February 06, 2009 Ashley Judd: Clown in Wolf Guardian's Clothing by Michelle Malkin February 06, 2009 Actress Ashley Judd has finally earned her Hollywood stripes and provided award-winning comic relief. With Washington poised to shove a trillion-dollar "stimulus" pork pie down our throats, we need all the distractions we can get. I give Judd's unintentionally entertaining performance in a new Sarah Palin-bashing animal rights ad two diversionary thumbs up. The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund sponsored the YouTube video starring Judd. They've dubbed their campaign, launched this week, "Eye on Palin." With all the serious, socially responsible celebrity earnestness she could muster, Judd decried the aerial hunting of wolves in Alaska, the GOP governor's state. "It is time to stop Sarah Palin and stop this senseless savagery," Judd intoned. Casting herself as an environmental expert, Judd attacked Palin for "casting aside science and ...


MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3 February 2009 CONTACT: Katie Walker 540.659.4942| OBAMA ON ABORTION: 37 PERCENT APPROVE, 58 PERCENT OPPOSE Washington, DC (3 February 2009) – The following is a statement from Shaun Kenney, executive director of American Life League in reaction to the news that President Barack Obama's early emphasis on abortion is marginalizing him with the majority of Americans. A Gallup poll released Feb. 2 shows a mere 37 percent of Americans approve of Obama's funding for abortions overseas. Fifty-eight percent of Americans disapprove of the funding - made possible through Obama's repeal of the Mexico City Policy. The president repealed the policy the day after the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. "Obama's promise of 'hope' and 'change' doesn't square with sending millions of hard earned tax-dollars overseas to kill preborn children. Americans are sending a message ...

Vatican Official: Bishops Have no Choice But to Refuse Communion to Pro-Abort Politicians

Vatican Official: Bishops Have no Choice But to Refuse Communion to Pro-Abort Politicians By Hilary White ROME, January 30, 2009 ( - Archbishop Raymond Burke, in an exclusive interview last week, told that the issue of pro-abortion politicians continuing to receive Holy Communion is still one of major concern and that it is the duty of bishops to ensure that they are refused. He told, "I don't understand the continual debate that goes on about it. There's not a question that a Catholic who publicly, and after admonition, supports pro-abortion legislation is not to receive Holy Communion and is not to be given Holy Communion." "The Church's law is very clear," said Archbishop Burke, who was appointed last year by Pope Benedict XVI as the head of the Church's highest court, the Apostolic Signatura. "The person who persists publicly in grave sin is to be denied Holy Communion, and it [Canon Law] do...

Star Trek Actor: "I'm going to say it anyway: Abortion is Murder"

Actor Who Paid for Three Abortions Now Condemns Woman's "Right to Kill Her Baby" by Kathleen Gilbert LOS ANGELES, February 2, 2009 ( - Actor Gary Graham knew that by writing about his personal experience and rejection of abortion, he would be incurring the ire of not a few among the Hollywood elite. Yet a blog column posted last Tuesday by the seasoned actor, known most recently for his roles as Ambassador Soval in the TV series "Star Trek: Enterprise" and Capt. Ingles on "J.A.G.", took an unflinching look at truths almost entirely ignored by those in the Hollywood establishment. "I'm going to say what millions know in the front of their brains, and many, many more millions know in the depths of their hearts … but won't allow themselves to think it, much less feel it," wrote Graham. "And believe me, I know I'll be hated for saying it, I'll be hated by people who don't know me, have never ...


MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4 February 2009 CONTACT: Katie Walker 540.659.4942| VATICAN: BISHOPS MUST REFUSE COMMUNION TO PRO-ABORTION POLITICIANS Washington, DC (4 February 2009) – Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued a statement today in response to an interview in which Archbishop Raymond Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican's highest court, stated, There's not a question that a Catholic who publicly, and after admonition, supports pro-abortion legislation is not to receive Holy Communion and is not to be given Holy Communion … This is a law of the universal Church and it should be applied. About the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Burke commented, I think this argument [that this matter should be decided by the USCCB] too is being used by people who don't want to confront the issue, this whole "wait 'til the Conference decides"...well the Conference has been discussing t...

Solution to A Crisis of our Time?

I found an insightful article on the dangers of the occult called Therapeutic Religion by Carrie Tomko. (Carrie’s article is posted below.) She showed, using an article that I wrote on how secular psychology lead to the sex abuse scandal, that the real battle of our epoch and every epoch is spiritual. Tomko explains: “Since Eden nothing has changed. The serpent still whispers; and like Eve, sometimes we listen. The conscience can be silenced so that the only voice we hear is the voice of our own sinfulness. This voice of sinfulness was let loose without brakes when psychology invaded religion.” Secular psychology which is the new religion of America promotes a mindset that denies our need for a relationship with God. Sometimes Oprah or Dr. Phil gives a nod to God, but the message is always the same: “ What is needed are not God and His Forgiveness, but for a self to reach the fullness of its self.” Oprah and Dr. Phil have many good things to say, but if those things put God in second p...

Is it Pork or Stimulus?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s Pork -- Not Stimulus This is pork, not stimulus. A look at where much of this money is going for makes me wonder how this can possibly stimulate the economy or create permanent jobs, It looks like a piggy bank for special interests. Louis P Sheldon Get This Story Banner Code Here - Link To It! The House of Representatives voted 244-188 to pass President Obama’s massive spending program. Not one Republican voted for this irresponsible bill and were joined by 11 Democrats. House Republican leader John Boehner described the vote as a bipartisan rejection of a partisan bill Obama’s $825 billion wild spending spree to “stimulate” the economy, is just old-style pork barrel spending. The bill will use borrowed funds and will increase the federal deficit to $2 trillion dollars this year. In fact, the $825 billion is actually $1.1 trillion with inte...

What Caused the Economic Meltdown? Economic Meltdown Fueled By Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd As our nation faces a serious economic crisis in 2009, Americans need to understand the origins of this crisis. Andrea Lafferty Get This Story Banner Code Here - Link To It! The subprime mortgage crisis fueled instability in other sectors of the economy and has led a crisis in the banking industry, housing industry, auto industry – and is resulting in the layoffs of millions of Americans. A subprime mortgage is one granted to individuals with a bad credit history or no credit history. They were given no-money-down, low interest, or interest-only loans. Democrats effectively blamed President Bush for the economic crisis and this propelled Obama into office as President of the United States for the next four years. Is President Bush to blame? No. It was Democrat leadership going back to the Carter Administration that created this economic disaster. The fact is that the roots of ...

Call for National Day for Prayer and Fasting for the Economy

Internet Evangelist Lambastes Obama's $1 Trillion Stimulus Package Liveprayer's Bill Keller Says Economic Crisis Is the Beginning of God's Judgment on the Nation MEDIA ADVISORY, February 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- The world's leading internet evangelist, Bill Keller - founder of - is lambasting President Barack Hussein Obama and Congress for "throwing another trillion dollars down the toilet." On May 2, 2008, Keller told his 2.4 million daily devotional subscribers that God would use the economy as a form of judgment on the nation for its sins. In September of 2008, Keller released a video warning people that the economic crisis was indeed the beginning of God's judgment on the nation for its sins (video reference: Keller has been the only major Christian leader to make the case that the current economic crisis is God's judgment for the four thousand innocent babies slaughtered every twenty-four hours...