Might Vice President Mike Pence have betrayed President Donald Trump and the country like Judas betrayed Jesus? Judas handed Jesus over to His enemies to kill him. Did Pence hand President Trump over to Dr. Anthony Fauci and his collaborators such as Dr. Anne Schuchat who were demonstrably wrong in their 2016 predictions on the so-called Zika virus crisis? Remember Trump entrusted Pence to put together the White House Coronavirus Task Force which for all intents and purposes is a mouthpiece for former Obama administration Zika hoax collaborator pro-abortion Fauci. It seems that it is Pence who apparently was trusted by Trump who handed the president over to Fauci's coronavirus predictions when it is a known fact that his exaggerated Zika virus predictions were wrong. With Fauci's track record in making wrong exaggerated predictions on the so-called Zika crisis, why must we place blind faith in him now when as Rush Limbaugh says he IS "NOT providing the underlyin