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Showing posts from November 1, 2009

Does Pope Francis's Relativism lead to Sex Abuse?

Francis's favorite theologian de Certeau's key ideas are oppression of groups and the deconstruction of meaning. De Certeau, for the most part, got these ideas from Derrida who, like Fessard, had as his starting point Hegel. Remember that much of Francis's thinking comes from Fessard (and, thus, from Hegel as shown above) according to scholar Borghesi. Derrida scholar Allan Megill wrote: He "sees no possibility of ever "escaping" Hegel... every attempt to state a truth is already a reintegration into the dialectic... A key term for Derrida is "dissemination"... a kind of anti-dialectic, going against the dialectical rule of three... The fourth moment of the dialectic is the deconstruction moment: position, negation, negation of the negation, deconstruction (or Nietzsche... Derrida)." ("Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida," Pages 271, 273-274) The four moment or the deconstruction of meaning for Der

Spider-Man vs. Porn

By Fred Martinez Steve Ditko, the original artist and co-creator of the Spider-Man comic, which is now a record-breaking hit movie, is the Greta Garbo of comic books. Refusing to give interviews for 20 years, he recently refused interviews for major articles about him by the Los Angeles Times and one of Canada's leading newspapers, the National Post. Ditko, however, explained his philosophy of art in a narrative on a 1987 video titled "The Masters of Comic Book Art," hosted by author Harlan Ellison. In his introduction, Ellison dismissed Ditko's plea that heroes in art and literature be measured by the moral courage shown in objective good vs. evil choices. The artist now seems prophetic for saying in the show that if we glorify the anti-hero in art, then anti-life and violence will come into our culture. The anti-heroes of the Columbine-like killings in public schools and the Sept. 11 terrorists seem to justify his claim. What our American and global culture needs ar

End the Fed, Save the USA: Ron Paul End the Fed, Save the Dollar: Ron Paul By: Brian Beers "Nothing good can come from the Federal Reserve," writes Texas Congressman Ron Paul in his latest book hitting shelves this week, titled "End the Fed." "It is the biggest taxer of them all. Diluting the value of the dollar by increasing its supply is a vicious, sinister tax on the poor and middle class." Paul makes the case that the Fed is the main culprit responsible for the current economic mess the country faces through the destructive policies of cheap credit and excessive money printing. "Prosperity can never be achieved by cheap credit," says Paul. "If that were so, no one would have to work for a living. Inflated prices only deceive one into believing that real wealth has been created." The Federal Reserve, created in 1913, has been acting as the main central bank of the United States for nearly one hundred years. Many Americans are either no