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Showing posts from September 16, 2018

Chinese Catholic Bishops must Disobey Francis's Abuse of Papal Power as they see if he will Betray Muslims

- Updated December 16, 2018 - Pope Francis is in a dilemma. We know that he has put collaboration with the Chinese Communist regime before the pastoral care of the Chinese Underground Catholics. Will he put collaboration with the Communist regime before the repression of his beloved Muslims? The United Kingdom Independent reported today that Amnesty International revealed: "Mass re-education camps used to hold Uighur and other Muslim minorities... [u]p to a million... Previous reports have said Muslims were forced to denounce Islam and swear loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party." (Independent, "Chinese 're-education camps' for Uighur Muslims run like 'concentration camps', says Amnesty, December 16, 2018) So, Pope Francis's betrayal of the Chinese Underground Church now could include the betrayal of Francis's beloved Muslims if he is silence about the Chinese Communist regime's oppression as he has been silent about the Sociali...

Is Vatican/Mainstream Media: Francis/Vigano & Kavanugh/Ford Propaganda becoming Brainwashing?

Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Brett Kavanugh have zero witnesses and her only proof is a polygraph test that is "inadmissible in court because the tests are not reliable" according to All the witnesses that have come forward say Kavanugh was a moral and honorable young man. Evidence is coming forward that Ford was not so moral or honorable. According to Cultofthe1stAmendment.blogspot, Ford or someone else recently scrubbed her internet high school yearbooks which disappeared on September 17. The scrubbed website according to the blogspot paints a picture of Ford involved with drunkenness and promiscuity. The website said headlines should read: "Christine Blasey Ford and the Drunken White Privileged Racist Playgirls of Holton-Arms." (Cult of 1st Amendment, "Why Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks were Scrubbed: Faculty approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity," September 19, 2018) On the othe...

St. Joseph Prayer: To "Render Possible for us the most Impossible Things"

St. Francis de Sales's hard to find St. Joseph prayer: "Glorious St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, grant us thy paternal protection, we beseech thee by the Heart of Jesus Christ. O thou whose power extends to all our necessities and can render possible for us the impossible things, open thy fatherly eyes to the needs of thy children." "In the trouble and distress which afflicts us, we confidently have recourse to thee. Deign to take under your charitable charge this important and difficult matter, cause of our worries. Makes its happy outcome be for God's glory and for the good of His devoted servants. Amen." If you are troubled in any way remember to go to the humble Joseph because he and Mary are the Royal Road of King David to Jesus who can't resist their requests because he loves them so much and because of the Commandment to honor your parents. The great scholar Fr. Andrew Doze said go to St. Joseph and he will help you even if you don't unde...