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Showing posts from September 2, 2018

If Reuters' Canon Law Expert is Right then Pope Benedict is Probably or Surely still Pope not to Mention the Bishop Gracida Evidence that the Francis Conclave was Invalid

Reuters is saying that if pressure is put on "Pope Francis to resign [it] could make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to do so, Church experts say.": “'The pope has the right to freely resign. That’s what the canon says. The doubt is whether the situation Francis is in now really allows for a free choice because there is a political faction in the Church trying to force it,' said Nicholas Cafardi, former dean of Duquesne University School of Law." “'I don’t see how (the pope can resign freely) when you have people campaigning for it,' said Cafardi, who is also a former member of the Board of Governors of the Canon Law Society of America." [ ] If Reuters and Canon Law expert Cafardi are right that it is "difficult, if not impossible" for a...

When Chicken Littles Skojec & Moynihan cry "Schism" know we are Winning so Fight Harder

Updated: June 18, 2019 The phrase "canary in the coal mine" is a metaphor of "any warning of serious danger to come." This means run and run fast out of the coal mine or whatever situation you're in because you are about to lose or be killed. One Peter Five's publisher Steve Skojec has become a "anti-canary in the coal mine" for me. In simple words, if Skojec says run it means to me: stay and fight. He said Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales, Cardinal Raymond Burke and the Open Letter were wrong in saying the Church can depose a heretical pope so run away from their teachings because they'll cause "schism." That told me to fight harder than ever. Skojec said Bishop René Gracida was wrong in presenting solid evidence of papal invalidity and calling for a Cardinal investigation into the validity of the Francis conclave and Benedict XVI resignation so run away from Gracida's teachings because they'll cause ...

Newsweek: Only 35% of Americans think Pope Francis shouldn't Resign while Whopping 65% give Francis No Confidence Vote

Newsweek reported that only 35% of Americans think Pope Francis shouldn't resign because of the sex abuse scandals according to a YouGov/Economist scientific poll. 41% of President Donald Trump voters wanted Francis to resign, while only 13% of pro-abortion LGBT candidate Hillary Clinton voters thought the Pope should resign. Francis got a whopping no confidence vote from 65% of Americans according to the poll. 26% thought the Pope should resign. 39% were not sure, while 35% didn't want Francis to resign. (Newsweek, "Pope Francis Should Resign Amid Church Abuse Scandals, 1 in 4 Americans say: Poll," September 5, 2018)

Washington Post & BBC: Pope Francis on Sex Abuse was "Totally Silent" & helped "Out of Control" Pedophilia Priest "Avoid Jail" & Reside near where Predator had Abused a "Boy" as a Argentine Archbishop

Pope Francis is now totally silent on Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's credible testimony that he covered-up the sex abuse of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The Washington Post on March 18, 2013 reported that Francis as Argentine Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio  was, also, "totally silent" on sex abuse: "But during most of the 14 years that Bergoglio served as archbishop of Buenos Aires , rights advocates say, he did not take decisive action to protect children or act swiftly when molestation charges surfaced; nor did he extend apologies to the victims of abusive priests after their misconduct came to light." “'He [Francis/Bergoglio] has been totally silent,' said Ernesto Moreau, a member of Argentina’s U.N.-affiliated Permanent Assembly for Human Rights and a lawyer who has represented victims in a clergy sexual-abuse case. Victims asked to meet with Bergoglio but were turned down, Moreau said." [

Is Pope Francis Silent and Lying now as he was Silent and Lied in Sex Abuse Cover-up Case as a Argentine Archbishop according to Documentary on German National TV?

Is Pope Francis silent and lying (by his implication that accuses Vigano of causing scandal) about Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's credible testimony that he covered-up the sex abuse of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick as he was silent and lied about the sex abuse cover-up case of the "now-infamous Father Julio César Grassi who has been imprisoned for 15 years because of his abuse of children" when Francis was then Argentine Archbishop Jorge Maria Bergoglio according to a German documentary? LifeSiteNews reports that the German national TV channel ZDF is currently running a documentary by Martin Boudot which is being  aired now and "making the rounds in the German-speaking world called the ' The Silence of the Shepherds .'" The documentary says six alleged victims of abuse all say  that then-Archbishop Bergoglio was silent and "never answered their own specific complaints when they wrote to him as the archbi...

Catholic World Report Misdirects Credible Allegations that Francis Covered-up Sex Abuse calling them "Complex" & 5 Questions

Why can't Pope Francis and the Catholic media answer: yes or no? Today, why did the Catholic World Report post an article that attempts to appear balanced, but is a whistleblower attack piece, by the Catholic News Agency "Benedict, Viganò, Francis, and McCarrick" calling Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's credible allegations that Francis covered-up sex abuse "complex" and weakly say they "could" possibly maybe accept a investigation to find out the truth? Catholic World Report and Catholic News Agency do you think the Catholic media should protect credibly accused clerics or a pope himself should protected himself from a investigation if that pope is credibly accused of sex-abuse cover-up for any of the "complex" reasons listed in your article or for any reasons imaginable and that these Catholic media and pope should not strongly demand an investigation to find out the truth? Answer: yes or no. Would you, Catholic World Report or Cath...

Is Soros/Francis Deep State Targeting Sex Abuse Whistleblower Vigano and Trump?

Everyone knows that the corporate media, such The New York Times, Reuter and others, are attempting to ruin Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who is a whistleblower against the Pope Francis Vatican homosexual network and sex abuse cover-ups. People are starting to wake up to the fact that the corporate media is controlled by the Deep State. The United Kingdom magazine Christian Order in its latest exposé on the "complex corporate/financial/political" Deep State said: "Occasionally, media scrutiny and/or public prosecution of global criminal scams... provide a glimpse like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International during the 1970s/80s and currently the Clinton Foundation... the first-tier all hold so much dirt on each other that mutual protection and continuing is assured." "As for whistle-blowers, the lower-level variety are either bought off, blackmailed, ruined, or murdered with impunity. Exposure and defiance at the highest levels by uncontrollable ...