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Showing posts from July 30, 2017

Charismatics, Sedevacantis, False Apparitions and a "Holy Spirit" outside the Catholic Church

Rick Salbato and I communicated by email before he went home to God. I didn't agree with everything Rick said in these essay, but he gives a honest history of Catholic Church which in my opinion in general is correct. This essay covers Ralph Martin and much more as you will see. Ralph Martin is a puzzling figure because recently he defends the Catholic infallible teaching of hell against Hans von Balthazar and yet in many ways has a Protestant theology as Salbato clearly shows. I hope Martin has fully return to a Catholic theology. I am posting these because Pope Francis appears to be the Charismatic Pope with a Protestant theology once predicted by some in the Charismatic movement. My position on the movement is there are many sincere Catholics in it that are seriously confused about infallible Catholic teachings, but who many times are open to the fullness of the faith. One example, is another email friend James Larson who was once a Charismatic and is now a Thomis...

Was Pope Francis Mislead by Schoenborn into Material Heresy by Lie that Amoris Leatitia is "Thomist" ?

-Updated September 28, 2017- The unscholarly Pope Francis has promoted material heresy, it appears, because he was confused and mislead into thinking Amoris Leatitia is "Thomist" by Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn. Dubia Cardinal Brandmuller sums up the heresy: "Whoever thinks that persistent adultery and reception of Holy Communion are compatible is a heretic." (, "Dubia Cardinal: Anyone who opens Communion to adulterers 'some a heretic and promotes schism,'" December 23, 2016) An example of what appears to have happened to Francis can be found in history. The unscholarly Pope Honorius was "confused and mislead" into becoming a material heretic who promoted the Monothelitist heresy. He was condemned by a general council and Pope St. Agatho and Pope St. Leo II. The Catholic Encyclopedia said of Honorius that he "was not a profound theologian, and allowed himself to be confused and mislead. (...