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Showing posts from July 7, 2019

Socci: Benedict XVI told Cd. Brandmuller he didn't want to be "seen [as] the Ex-Pope"

Antonio Socci in his new book uses quotes to show that Benedict XVI, in his two letters responded to Cardinal Walter Brandmuller's criticism of the title "pope emeritus," saying he didn't want to be a cardinal because he would be "seen [as] the ex-pope." Brandmuller wrote Benedict that the title "pope emeritus" happened to be "extraneous to the entire canonical-theological traditional." Benedict according to Socci "expresses concern [to Brandmuller in the letters] had he returned to being a cardinal, 'in that cardinal would have been seen the ex-pope,' thus creating confusion." Simply put Socci presents the case that if Benedict doesn't want to be seen as the "ex-pope" then he wants to be seen as the pope which brings us back to the "question of the validity of a dubious or partial resignation." (The Secret of Benedict XVI, Pages 99-105) Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the

"Satan is the Prince [of]... This World now has a Friend within the Church in the person of Pope Francis"

"Space , therefore, for Pope Francis, is simply a euphemism for what we are in possession of now – in other words, what we traditional Catholics believe to be the fullness of God’s Immutable Revelation, Rules, Dogma, the Infallible Magisterium, and the reality that we each possess a substantial human nature and soul, requiring the same fundamental choice now as was true of the first man."   "Time is proposed by Pope Francis as being greater than Space because “becoming” is more real than God’s Supreme Being, and takes precedence over the Revealed Truths which are the fullness of that Being. It is therefore quite easy to see why, in the mind of Pope Francis, an apparent universal mercy trumps immutable dogma – why the divorced and remarried may receive Holy Communion, why we must be 'inclusive' towards practicing homosexuals (who must certainly also be admitted to Sacramental Communion if such a “mercy” holds true), and why, in fact, we must be inclusive towar

Is the Francis Vatican a Soros & Obama NSA Deep State Operation?

Ganesh Sahathevan is a Fellow at the (American Center for Democracy) ACD’s Economic Warfare Institute. The ACD/EWI team specializes in economic warfare, purposeful interference in civilian infrastructure, including the financial markets, transnational criminal and terrorist organizations. ACD fellow Sahathevan  said Pope Francis's closest collaborator has "an illegal slush fund financed by George Soros": "Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the so-called "Vice Pope" given his close association with Pope Francis, has refused to answer questions concerning his work with a number of NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros.Cardinal Oscar has also refused to answer queries concerning any funding he, or entities associated with him, may have received from Soros..." "... It does appear as if the "Vice Pope" is on some campaign to change the Vatican from within, and that he is doing so with what amounts to an illegal slush fund financed b

Were Vatican II & America Magazine Deep State CIA Operations?

The CIA online library reports that: "Agency files reveal the true origins of the Berlin conference... helped to solidify CIA's emerging strategy of promoting the non-Communist left... the Agency's political operations against Communism over the next two decades." "...The [CIA] congress in Berlin rolled ahead... World-renowned philosophers John Dewey Bertrand Russell... and [non-Communist leftist] Jacques Maritain agreed to lend gravitas to the event." (, "Origins of Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1949-50") [ ] Pope Paul VI who was obviously the top architect of Vatican II said of the possible CIA "non-Communist leftist" operative Maritain: "I am a disciple of Maritain. I call him my teacher. (The Remnant, "Saul Alinsky and 'Saint' Pope Paul VI: Genesis of the Concilia

Catholic World: Pope Pius XII "Preparing an Official Condemnation of [Architects of Vatican II] Murray, Jacques Maritain"

Did Pope Pius XII implicitly condemn Vatican II? In 2008, the liberal Catholic World admitted that Pope Pius XII was "preparing" to condemn probably the main architect of Vatican II Jacques Maritain and another architect of the Council John Courtney Murray "who "played a role in... Declaration on Religious Liberty": "[T]he Holy Office was preparing an official condemnation of Murray, Jacques Maritain... only the death of Pope Pius XII on October 8, 1958... prevented this from happening." (Catholic World, "Censuring of John Courtney Murray Part Two," March/April 2008) Maritain is considered by many the architect of Vatican II. The indisputable top architect of Vatican II Pope Paul VI said: "I am a disciple of Maritain. I call him my teacher. If Pius XII hadn't died of two stokes on October 8, 1958 it is possible that Vatican II might never have happened since its main architects would have been condemned. Pray an Our Fa

Is Bishop Barron in the "Conservative" Wing of the Bernardin/Gregory Gay Mafia?

The May 13, 2018 Catholic Standard reported that the so-called conservative, who is a "friend" of gay activist Fr. James Martin, Bishop Robert Barron has been closely associated with homosexuals who apparently are and were part the gay bishops network. (Twitter, Fr. James Martin, April 30, 2012, Martin: "Here is my friend Fr. Robert Barron") Barron's "first spiritual director when he was a seminarian for the [Bernardin] Archdiocese of Chicago" and "friend" was the reportedly homosexual and gay activist Wilton Gregory. The Standard, also, says he was ordained by the reportedly homosexual and gay activist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. The article shows Barron giddy in praise of the two gay activists: "'Cardinal Bernardin's qualities... have shaped the ministry of Archbishop Gregory'... Barron said that his friend Archbishop Gregory is a excellent choice to lead Archdiocese of Washington. 'I can't think of anyone be

Team Francis claims "Francis is Probably the Least Corrupt Person on this Planet" because they have "Turned Upside... What is Rightful"

Team Francis's Austen Ivereigh, who has become a comedian, said this with a straight face: "Francis is probably the least corrupt person on this planet." (Twitter) Don't think that Ivereigh is only a one joke comedian because here is another one : "Chile taught Francis that the root of the [sex abuse cover-up] problem was clericalism [not gay predators]... Francis urges Chile's bishops not to take refuge in universal abstractions." (Commonweal) The reason that the two above statements are funny is because Ivereigh wrote those with the mask of a straight faced journalist which gives us an insight be into his agenda and mind. Sadly, this last statement give us an insight into how perverted or upside down from reality are the minds of the members of Team Francis especially Ivereigh in their distorted mind's image of Jesus Christ who is true God and true man and what is the driving force behind everything they do: "Why do you say that