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Showing posts from September 24, 2023

LifeSiteNews: "When asked about what would happen if a Pope did commit Heresy, [Cardinal] Burke — recognized as one of the World’s Foremost Authorities on Roman Catholic Canon law — agreed with [Canon Lawyer] Peters' analysis that such a Pope would automatically Cease to be Pontiff"

Canon law tradition says a pope who commits formal heresy ceases to be pope: expert 'May that fact serve as a check against those tempted to engage in loose talk about popes and heresy.' [] LifeSiteNews in a 2016 article reported that "[w]hen asked about what would happen if a pope did commit heresy, Burke — recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on Roman Catholic canon law  — agreed with Peters' analysis that such a pope would automatically cease to be pontiff": [Renowned canon lawyer Dr. Edward] Peters writes that “thanks to the protection of the Holy Spirit” the Church, even during the reign of a heretical pope, “cannot fall into heresy.” In an  interview  with Catholic World Report published this week, Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the four cardinals behind the dubia, said that he and his brother cardinals are ...

"The erroneous opinion..of Bishop Schneider characterizes as form of “crypto-Conciliarism” is in fact a papal teaching of Pope Innocent III..St. Robert Bellarmine, St Alphonsus de Liguori, St. Francis de Sales..Pietro Ballerini, Pope Gregory XVI, just to mention a few"

Popes, heresy, and papal heresy [] Dr. Edward Peters J.C.D., in  A Canon Lawyer’s Blog [22]  attests to the fact that the opinion that a heretic pope would remain in office until even a merely declaratory sentence would result in his loss of office has been entirely abandoned where he says: I know of no author coming after Wernz who disputes this analysis [of Wernz and Vidal]. (See, e.g., Ayrinhac, CONSTITUTION (1930) 33; Sipos, ENCHIRIDION (1954) 156; Regatillo, INSTITUTIONES I (1961) 299; Palazzini, DMC III (1966) 573; and Wrenn [23]   (2001) above.) As for the lack of detailed canonical examination of the  mechanics  for assessing possible papal heresy, Cocchi, COMMENTARIUM II/2 (1931) n. 155, ascribes it to the fact that law provides for common cases and adapts for rarer; may I say again, heretical popes are about as rare as rare can be and yet still be. In sum, and while addition...

Does the New Mazza Thesis apparently say that Francis is an Antipope not just because of Benedict's Substantial Error Resignation, but because he couldn't Resign in the first place due to the Teachings of Pope Innocent III?

Repost:  October 16, 2022 LifeSiteNews.. And this brings us to the most important teachings of the man many consider the most important pope of the High Middle Ages, Innocent III. In a sermon [1]  on the anniversary of his election to the papacy, Innocent taught: The sacrament between the Roman pontiff and the Roman church perseveres so firm and unshakable that they cannot be separated from one another ever, except by death.  The Apostle says that after her husband dies, a wife “is released from the rule of her husband.”  A husband joined to his wife, does not seek a release, does not leave her , and cannot be dismissed, for “it is according to his Lord that he either stands or falls—and it is the Lord who judges.’ [2]  (emphasis mine)    It could not be clearer. Innocent teaches that the papacy is a “sacrament,” a spiritual marriage: “until death do us part.” A pope (husband) is not allowed to resign (“seek a release”), he “does not leave her,” his br...

Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that FundAll of Democrat Policies to Destroy America...Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn) Sen. Mike Braun (Ind) Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) Sen. Bill Hagerty (Tenn) Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) Sen. Roger Marshall (Kan) Sen. Rand Paul (Ky) Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio) Sen. Eric Schmitt (Mo)

Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown, Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that Funds All of Democrat Policies to Destroy America

"Doesn’t believe in ELECTION INTEGRITY" RINO DeSantis: @LauraLoomer WATCH: Last night on @billmaher ’s show, @RonDeSantis said he made a “mistake” by campaigning for @KariLake in 2022, & even agreed with Bill Maher who called her an election denier. Bill Maher: "But Trump lost the election right?” Ron Desantis: "Yeah, yeah" This is who @RonDeSantis is. A liar and a con man. And also a phony and a fake who will say anything with the change of the wind. He doesn’t believe in ELECTION INTEGRITY.

Post See new posts Conversation Repentbefore6.13.29 and Linda MacDougall liked Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer Subscribe WATCH: Last night on @billmaher ’s show, @RonDeSantis said he made a “mistake” by campaigning for @KariLake in 2022, & even agreed with Bill Maher who called her an election denier. Bill Maher: "But Trump lost the election right?” Ron Desantis: "Yeah, yeah" This is who @RonDeSantis is. A liar and a con man. And also a phony and a fake who will say anything with the change of the wind. He doesn’t believe in ELECTION INTEGRITY. 0:03 / 0:31 7:28 AM · Sep 30, 2023 · 632.4K Views