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Showing posts from May 19, 2019

Why do Cowardly Anti-Open Letter Catholics & Sedevacantists Reject the Teachings of Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales?

All the Conservative and Traditionalist anti-Open Letter Catholic commentators and all the Sedevacantists are united in rejecting or ignoring the teaching of Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales: "[T]he Pope... when he is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church must either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See." (The Catholic Controversy, by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306) The Sedevacantists reject the Doctor of the Church's teaching that the Church "must... declare him [the explicit heretic Pope] deprived, of his Apostolic See" because like Neo-Protestants they, the Sedes, get to "declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See" not the Successors of the Apostles who Jesus Christ put in authority. The Sedes love quoting that the explicitly heretical Pope "falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church," but then dishonestly ignor

Renew America: Alabama Law "Allow[s] all Abortions"

Long time pro-life activist Siena Hoefling and colleague of Alan Keyes said it best: "[T]he [Alabama Law] 'mental illness' exception... would allow all abortions... the doctor is authorized to kill the baby if the mother 'engages in conduct' that harms herself or her child. (What logic!)" (Renew America, "The Alabama pro-life fraud," May 21, 2019) Pray for laws that really protect the unborn children. Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church and laws to really protect the unborn children.

Why are Shea & all his Leftist Catholic Journalist Colleagues Complicit in Francis's Sex Abuse Cover-ups of McCarrick, Zanchetta, etc... ?

Why are Mark Shea and all his leftist Catholic journalist colleagues complicit in Pope Francis's sex abuse cover-ups of McCarrick, Zanchetta, Inzoli, etc... ? In 2002, Shea, who was described as a "left-wing Catholic" by renowned philosopher Edward Feser, wrote: "[R]ankest clericalism... not protecting innocent children from sexual predators... Bishops [that includes the Bishop of Rome presently Pope Francis] who repeatedly and knowingly lied to victims and exposed still more victims to the depredation of these men [sex abusing priests] should face the consequences of their actions." ("Shaken by Scandals: Catholics speak out about priests' sexual abuse," Page  102-103) If Shea, who was dubbed "Mark Shea Pro-Abort" by pro-life attorney Donald McClarey in The American Catholic, isn't a hypocrite then he needs to call for Francis to "face the consequences" of "expos[ing] more victims to" McCarrick, Zanchetta,

Why Is the Remnant's Matt Sounding like Jimmy Akin & Why is he Ignoring the Bishop Gracida Solution?

We are in the greatest crisis in the history of the Church, which is equal to the Arian crisis, because we appear to have a heretical Pope and his pro-gay bishops network who make the immoral Borgia Popes and their inner circles look like choir boys. It seems that Remnant editor Michael Matt understands the depth of the crisis saying we must fight for the restoration of the Catholic Church and the papacy including getting a "serious" Catholic Pope to replace Pope Francis. He says we must join forces with non-Catholic conservatives to help us get rid of Francis by critiquing his globalist evil politics. All of which I agree, but then he starts sounding like Jimmy Akin on the Open Letter saying you can't make a case of heresy out of twisted "airplane utterances." [ ] This sounds like when the National Catholic Register's Jimmy Akin said y