" Early Church writers (Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Irenaeus, Tertulli - an, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, Origen, Cyprian, Lactantius, Epiphanius, Jerome, Augustine, and others) reviled contraception and abortion while extolling sexual purity a nd God's procreation plan through marriage. They esteemed celibacy when committed to God's service (as Apostle Paul taught), while marriage, by virtue of the union, required an openness to children as God willed. Believing God foreknew and chose each child who is conceived, they deemed contraceptive use a form of murder, however unintended. " - The Church Poem [file:///C:/Users/Fred/AppData/Local/Temp/Church%20Poem.pdf] It appears that the path to abortion and hurting your own body is the Pill according to lawyer and researcher Andrew Flusche: This constant presence of powerful steroids is not healthy, and there are side effects when using the pill. How does the pill work? The birth...