Why is Abp. Viganò in hiding & others are not? Is it possible Bp. Strickland & Bp. Schneider are becoming useful idiots of Francis's "Mathematics Of Mottramism"?
Pope Francis does not have the right to dismiss Bishop Strickland without cause Since the authority of the bishops does not come from the pope, but from Christ, and since that authority may not and cannot be justly removed except when there is just cause, Pope Francis has no power to 'dismiss' a bishop as if the bishop were his house servant. Pope Francis during his weekly audience, April 12, 2023. Screenshot/YouTube [ https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinio n/pope-francis-does-not-have-the-right-to-dismiss-bishop-strickland-without-cause/] The Mathematics Of Mottramism Pope Francis and the sophistry of saying that for God, 2 + 2 can equal 5... . .. A triangle with four sides. 2+2 = 5. What is at stake here? Cardinal Caffara again... ... That is the core of the matter here. As the cardinal says, “These are matters of a disturbing gravity. It would elevate private judgment to the ultimate criterion of moral truth. Never say to a person: ‘Always follow your conscience’, without addi