All faithful Catholics who stand in solidarity and support of the heroes called "Cristeros" who extracted the sacrilegious pagan idols in the Vatican and plummeted them into the Tiber River are now called "I am Cristeros." All faithful Catholics are joining the "#IamCristeros" movement which it appears was started by Deacon Nick Donnelly on Twitter when it was learned that officials who apparently are connected to the Vatican were attempting to capture and punish the heroes called the "Cristeros." Around the world, Catholics are who are in solidarity with the heroes are saying: "I am Cristeros." Come get I me. I did it. Viva Cristo Rey! In honor of the new "Cristeros," I thought I'd give a taste of the original Cristeros and Fr. Miguel Pro by giving a preview of a draft of a prologue for a play I did that playwright Cal Gallagher hammered out into a real play ...