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Showing posts from October 27, 2019

In Honor of the Tiber Cristeros here is the Play about Fr. Pro & the Original Cristeros

All faithful Catholics who stand in solidarity and support of the heroes called "Cristeros" who extracted the sacrilegious pagan idols in the Vatican and plummeted them into the Tiber River are now called "I am Cristeros." All faithful Catholics are joining the "#IamCristeros" movement which it appears was started by Deacon Nick Donnelly on Twitter when it was learned that officials who apparently are connected to the Vatican were attempting to capture and punish the heroes called the "Cristeros." Around the world, Catholics are who are in solidarity with the heroes are saying: "I am Cristeros." Come get I me. I did it. Viva Cristo Rey! In honor of the new "Cristeros," I thought I'd give a taste of the original Cristeros and Fr. Miguel Pro by giving a preview of a draft of a prologue for a play I did that playwright Cal Gallagher hammered out into a real play ...

Is Satan trying to Block the Needed Imperfect Council to Judge the Francis Papacy as he tried to Blocked St. Bernard's Ending the Anacletus Antipapacy?

In the St. Bernard of Clairvaux journey which would end the antipapacy of antipope Anacletus (with "truth and reason") according to a story from tradition Satan attempted to block this journey by breaking down the transportation of Bernard: "The devil we are told, had a particular objection to this journey. He foresaw and hated what was to come of it. Therefore,... the demon broke the wheel of the carriage in which the Abbot travelled... The saint... took vengeance on his enemy... he ordered Satan himself to become a wheel, and replace the broken one. The fallen angel obeyed the words of the holy man...and... carried Bernard to his destination." (The Life and Time of Saint Bernard by James Cotter Morison, M.A., Page 210 tells the traditional story and page 212 speaks of how Bernard ended the antipapacy with "truth and reason") Might Satan in our time be attempting to block the saintly cardinal who needs to come forward to call an imperfect council to...

Taylor Marshall & Biggest Catholic Commentator Kuster: Francis's Pachamama is "Mocking" Catholic Church?

Today, Taylor Marshall, on his YouTube channel, interviewed Brazilian journalist Bernardo Kuster who is the biggest Catholic commentator in the world with 795,000 YouTube subscribers. In the interview, Kuster apparently said Francis was "mocking" the Catholic Church when he stood in front of a Pachamama boat that was placed by his approval "just above St. Peter's tomb": "[Kuster said:] The place the [Pachamama] boat is standing is just above St. Peter's tomb. We call the [Catholic] Church the Ship of Peter and there was the boat of Pachamama just above him. That is mocking. That is mocking. [Marshall interjected:] It is mocking..." "... [Marshall said:] On the boat, it says Papa Francesco [Pope Francis]. It is almost like this is saying, there is the Ship of Peter and there is the ship of Francis. Who is in it? The idol Pachamama." (Dr. Taylor Marshall Channel, "Brazil and Infiltration of Amazon Synod w Bernardo Kuster, Octob...

Do Skojec & 1P5 think Athanasius was Wrong to Teach Jesus is God because "there [was] No Official Church Teaching on this Issue"?

Francis apologist Steve Skojec and his website, One Peter Five, have come to the defense of their beloved it is infallibly impossible that Pope Francis can be a antipope and, also, if he is a heretic, he can't be deposed anyway. This time they didn't bring up the totally discredited "universal acceptance" argument, but presented laughable strawman arguments. The One Peter Five article claims that a invalid papal conclave that elected a antipope can't happen during the time of Francis (which happened during the time of St. Bernard of Clairvaux) "because the underlying assumption is that Francis can't be the pope because Francis is a heretic." (One Peter Five, "Is Francis the Pope?", October 29, 2019) This is a laughable strawman argument because the supposed "pope" during St.Bernard's time wasn't a heretic, but was a invalidly elected antipope because his conclave didn't follow the conclave constitution of the p...

Thanks, Cd. Brandmuller for calling the Couragaous "Idol... Remov[ers]... Prophets;" Now you have a Moral Obligation to be a Couragaous "Prophet" & Issue the Dubia Correction

Today, LifeSiteNews reported that dubia cardinal, Cardinal Walter Brandmuller, said: "These two young men who threw these tasteless idols into the Tiber... These two couragaous 'Macabees' who have removed the 'horrors of the devastation of a holy site' are the prophets of today." (LifeSiteNews, "Couragaous... prophets of today': Dubia cardinal praises men who threw Pachamamas in Tiber, October 29, 2019) Now, Cardinal Brandmuller, you have a moral obligation to issue the formal correction that was promised if it became "necessary" according to the other dubia cardinal, Cardinal  Raymond Burke, if the five dubia questions weren't answered specifically the first dubia question against "persistent adultery and reception of Holy Communion." (OnePeterFive, "Remaining Dubia Cardinals Take the Next Step Towards Formal Correction," November 14, 2017) In 2015, you, Cardinal Brandmuller stated: "Whoever thinks th...

Dr. Taylor Marshall: "This Comes down to... Francis, whether you are a Heretic, whether you are the Vicar of Christ [the Pope]?"

On his popular YouTube channel, Thomist scholar Dr. Taylor Marshall, Ph.D., questioned "whether" Francis is a "heretic" and "the Vicar of Christ [the pope]." Marshall is the former chancellor of Fisher More College who presently is the head of the New Saint Thomas Institute which offers Certificates in Theology.  The Thomist scholar in his popular YouTube channel addressed Francis who he has meet on at least two occasions with the following direct question on if he is "a heretic": "If the pope says worship a Pachamama. We say, no! Hell, no! We will never do it. It is impossible. It is against the faith... Francis we, also, want to know are you a heretic?.. Are you a heretic or not. We the baptized don't know anymore. We don't know if Francis is a heretic or not... All of this comes down to whether you worship idols, Francis, whether you are a heretic, whether you are the Vicar of Christ [the pope]?" (Dr. Taylor Ma...

Do Most Actual Catholics Reject the Francis Amazon Synod as Idolatrous & Racist?

Francis collaborator Alberto Melloni, the director of the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna, claims that the majority of actual Catholics support Francis's idolatrous and racist Amazon Synod. Melloni in the liberal Atlantic said:    "'We have a small, noisy minority and a large silent majority...' 'The noisy minority is struggling, with a certain success, to represent themselves as half of the Church, and they are not. They’re not even half the College of Cardinals, not even half the episcopate.'" [ ] Do most actual Catholics support Francis's idolatrous and racist Amazon Synod? Before we get to rather the Synod has the support of actual Catholics, first we'll prove that there was idolatrous worship at the Vatican and then later we will discuss if the Synod was racist. Glolia.Tv reported in t...

"It’s so Pathetic that they have yet to Pronounce him [Francis] an Idol Worshipper"

Many times the comments in the Catholic Monitor section are better than many of my posts. This time a long time reader of CM and someone who I know prays for me and the website, Praypraypray , wrote a excellent comment which needed to be a posted: Thank you for this very important article. It’s so pathetic that they have yet to pronounce him an idol worshipper, after all of this evil pagan idol worship. It’s truly an abomination! I’ve read countless stories and comments about the evil coming from the Vatican and Amazon Synod. It’s infuriating! Where are the true Catholics/Christians!?! So many people are saying, just wait until God or Our Lady do something about this! Now, I'm Not saying that God or Our Lady won’t intervene. It’s just that these people seem so cowardly. It reminds me of children saying, “Just wait until I tell my Dad or Mom on you!” Moses, himself, threw the tablets to make them get rid of the golden calf. Why can’t they strongly say or do something about ...