-Updated December 31, 2017 Is Pope Francis the silent voice friendly with tyranny while President Trump is the voice for freedom? On December 31, Newsweek in an article titled "Pope Francis Hated 2017, Calling it a 'Wasted' Year of Death and Lies" reported that Pope Francis said: Humanity "had 'wasted and wounded' the past year 'in many ways with works of death, with lies and injustice'... The Pope did not reference... individuals in his remarks... Francis was a none-to-subtle critic of President Donald... Trump's policies and actions without mentioning the commander-in-chief by name" in 2017. Ironically, Francis in the "none-to-subtle" attack on President Trump was unwittingly pointing his finger at his own "policies and actions" as well as his silence in the face of injustice as compared to the President. The headline on December 29 in the Telegraph was: "Donald Trump Condemns Arrest Of Iran Protest...