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Showing posts from August 18, 2019

Did Francis bring Abortion to Argentina which may be the next Venezuela?

- Updated November 23, 2019 The Financial Times reported that the pro-abortion leftist Peronist party factions by the engineering of Francis were reunited and won the elections due to his meddling in Argentine politics: "Francis encouraged Alberto's reconciliation with Cristina [Fernandez de Kirchner], said a close adviser of [the next Argentine president] Alberto Fernandez." (Financial Times, "Argentina's opposition reunited with Pope's blessing," August 17, 2019) It appears that Francis is helping to bring abortion to Argentina: "Fernandez, a leftist Peronist, pledged last week he would move to legalize abortion." (, "Argentina's leftist president-elect reignites abortion debate, November 23, 2019) Moreover, the pro-abortion Fernandez appears to be following Francis's lead in being friendly to the Venezuelan Socialist dictatorship. Francis who has never condemned the dictator and has continued to be fri...

Homosexualist Bp. Hubbard's Connection to Communist Friendly Hong Kong Cdl. Tong

Recently accused of sex abuse Bishop Howard Hubbard is widely known for promoting homosexuality when he was bishop of Albany. A Church Militant article reported that there was "rampant homosexuality among the Albany clergy" when he headed the diocese. Moreover, the article revealed: "Bp. Hubbard helped found and currently sits as vice president of the board of, a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, communist front organization." (Church Militant, "Accused Bishop is Vice President of Catholic-Funded Communist Front Group," August, 23, 2019) The pro-Communist homosexualist Hubbard has a connection to a adviser of the Chinese Communist friendly Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hon. Whereas Cardinal Joseph Zen said the Francis China deal was a act of "'suicide,' Tong said opposing the deal was 'unreasonable.' He argued that the [Communist] government has generally become more tolerant." (Catholic World Report, "Analysi...

Apparently "Francis Mourns Melted Iceland Glacier" for Melting in Heat of Summer & not "almost 100%" Aborted Down Syndrome Babies

On August 19, LifeSiteNews headlined "Pope Francis mourns Iceland glacier... the nation which aborts almost 100% of babies with Down syndrome." According to the article, while Francis wasn't morning the killed babies or asking that pro-abortion Iceland "built a funeral monument" for the murdered Down syndrome unborn, he apparently pantheistically acted as if ice is a person in saying: "I read about a huge glacier in Iceland that melted almost completely: they built a funeral monument." It appears Francis might have been talking about NASA so-called scientists taking photos of glaciers melting in the summer heat claiming this proves global warming and even starting a investigation into "why ice melts in the summer." (Natural News, "NASA takes pictures of glaciers in the heat of the summer, then claims, 'They're MELTING!", August 23, 2019) The article, also, said reported that "one of the largest glaci...

Are Leftist Mark Shea "Catholics" Enforced Group Thought Zombies?

After the Catholic Monitor comment section was invaded by the profane Mark Shea minions I started wondering: Why do Leftist Shea "Catholics" seem like zombies? I use "Catholic" in quotes because I wonder how can a Catholic act the way they do and not go to Confession and repent with a firm amendment not to do it again. But, I forgot they believe adulterers don't need to go to Confession or repent of adultery and must be allowed to commit the sacrilege of being allowed to go to Communion in their sin. Anyway, the experienced blog commenter Agua answered my zombie question in the Catholic Monitor comment section today: "Mark Shea blocked me years ago for simply raising a point he couldn't answer... Lefty Catholics can't tolerate opposing views. I can disagree with a actual Catholic on their blog and have extended conversations on most controversial topics. Good stuff. Exchanges lively and friendly. Edifying. Leftist blogs are defined ...

Remedy against "Extraordinary Demonic Activity"

Yesterday, I did a post on Mark Shea and the Catholic Monitor comment section was invaded by Shea's minions with rude, hateful and sick demonic comments.  I deleted all the sick demonic comments and some of the rude and hateful one and one stupid one claiming G. K. Chesterton would approve their ugliness. It felt like hell entered the Catholic Monitor so it seemed like a proper time to write about the "beginning part of a remedy" against "extraordinary demonic activity" as written by the scholar and exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger: "One must have an authentic conversion of life and go to Confession regularly. All sexually perverted activity, homosexuality, violence, drug use, abortion, and superstitious practices and direct invocation of the demonic must cease... [including] living in irregular marriages [adulterous "marriages" despite what Francis's Amoris Laetitia teaches]." (Introduction to the Science of Mental Health, Page 563) P...

Mark Shea & His Patheos' Lap Dog are Good for a Few Laughs until we Remember they're Complicit with Francis's Sex Abuse Cover-ups

Mark Shea and a lap dog of his Scott Eric Alt have been on the attack at Patheos which Wikipedia says is a "spirituality site" that includes "Catholic, Progressive Christian, Nonreligious and Pagan Channels." The two leftist "Progressive" collaborators over the last few days have been attacking the Catholic aggregator website Canon 212, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Catholic Patrick Coffin so it seemed like a good time to shine the light on Shea and his friend which for me can be amusing at times. I found it ridiculous and at the same time laughable in the contrast between the two when the Catholic philosophy scholar Edward Feser judiciously and painstakingly embarrassed the boorish yet obtuse Shea. Please don't mistake obtuse with obese which, also, describes Mark; it means annoyingly insensitive and slow to understand. It was amusing because the arrogant Shea apparently wasn't aware that he was making himself look ridiculous over and over aga...