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Showing posts from March 25, 2018

Hellgate: Pope Francis Owes World a Public Denial of the Heretical Words Attributed to him by Scalfari

Pope Francis owes the Church and the whole world a public denial of the heretical words attributed to him by Eugenio Scalfari, a 93-year-old atheist and abortion advocate, that made worldwide headlines. The Vatican's statement that Scalfari's article is not “faithful” to Francis's exact words is not enough to redress the damage that the Pope has done by allowing this to happen for a second time. He has to do this for the sake of the millions of persons who read that the Pope denies Hell and now think they don't have to repent. Francis specifically has to do this for the sake of the elderly atheist and abortion advocate who is close to meeting God the judge. It appears that the Pope is the abortion advocate's worst enemy. If Scalfari goes to Hell because either Francis told him there is no hell or because the Pope doesn't rebuke him for lying that the Holy Father said there is no hell and calling him to repentance then the end result is the same for hi...

Barroslettergate to Lettergate to Hellgate Pattern leads to Questions: Who is lying? & Why is there No Flat Denial from the Vatican saying: The Pope didn’t say that and doesn’t Believe it?

There is a pattern emerging as one views Barroslettergate being replaced by Lettergate to the newest Pope Francis scandal per month: Hellgate. Here is Francis's 2018 scandals per month in review: In Barroslettergate or the Bishop Juan Barros sex abuse cover-up scandal, Francis said he had not received any evidence about the sex abuse case when a member of his inner circle of nine Cardinals and chief adviser on sex abuse personally deliver a letter of evidence to the Pope. The question that needed to be asked was: Who is lying? In Lettergate, when the Letter came out all of the secular media, all of the leftist Catholic media and surprisingly the conservative Catholic media such as Life Site News as well as the traditional Catholic media such as the Remnant went along with the Francis Vatican's disinformation that Pope Benedict XVI was 100 percent behind Francis's failed papacy after reading 11 books on Francis's teachings. On...

Pope Francis's Judas-like Betrayal of Chinese Catholics has First Victim: Bishop Guo Xijin Kidnapped then Released by Police & now Banned from saying Mass by Regime

It seems fitting that in Holy Week the first Chinese Christ-like victim is send to his Calvary by Pope Francis's partner, the Chinese Communist regime, in the papal Judas-like betray of the Chinese Catholics. Sadly, Francis's partnership is the right word because without his approval none of this could be happening. Today, Asia News reported: Underground Bishop of "Mindong, Msgr. [Vincent] Guo Xijin kidnapped by [Chinese Communist] police before Easter... after refusing to concelebrate during these Easter holidays with illegitimate bishop Zhan Silu... one of seven illegitimate and excommunicated bishops awaiting reconciliation with the Pope" due to his papal diplomatic action. (, "Mindong, Msgr. Guo Xijin kidnapped by the police before Easter," March 27, 2017) Chinese Cardinal Joseph Zen asked the following question about Francis's diplomatic action: "[T]oday would our diplomats advise Joseph to go and humbly beg for dialogue w...

Instead of Nazi-like Gun Control Marches & Rallies, Public Schools need to be Reformed or Outlawed to Stop School Shootings

Newsweek says Pope Francis is apparently signaling approval of the youth gun control march: "With the 'March for our Lives' rally fresh in the minds of hundreds of thousands of gun control supporters who took to U.S. streets in protest this weekend, the leader of the Catholic Church [Pope Francis] has called on young people not let themselves be silenced." [ ] Fr. Z, also, noted the "coincidence" between the march and "a document [that] was released from the Pre-Synodal Meeting of Young People in Rome" on the same day: "On the same day that in Washington DC there is a "march" staged by talking-point saturated young people about – call it what it is – undermining the 2nd Amendment rather than upholding it, a document was released from the Pre-Synodal Meeting of Young People in Rome... The coincidence of the march and the...