Hellgate: Pope Francis Owes World a Public Denial of the Heretical Words Attributed to him by Scalfari
Pope Francis owes the Church and the whole world a public denial of the heretical words attributed to him by Eugenio Scalfari, a 93-year-old atheist and abortion advocate, that made worldwide headlines. The Vatican's statement that Scalfari's article is not “faithful” to Francis's exact words is not enough to redress the damage that the Pope has done by allowing this to happen for a second time. He has to do this for the sake of the millions of persons who read that the Pope denies Hell and now think they don't have to repent. Francis specifically has to do this for the sake of the elderly atheist and abortion advocate who is close to meeting God the judge. It appears that the Pope is the abortion advocate's worst enemy. If Scalfari goes to Hell because either Francis told him there is no hell or because the Pope doesn't rebuke him for lying that the Holy Father said there is no hell and calling him to repentance then the end result is the same for hi...