Fellow at Hoover Institution: "To Lose a Margin of 58 to 41 with 600 to 700 Thousand Votes with One & Half million Mail-in Ballots... how... Statistically Possible"
T he Epoch Times did a video interview with "[i]international recognized authority on... the Cold War and communism" Dr. Paul G. Kengor who is "the executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, a Grove City College think-tank/policy center... also a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution on War , Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University " according to Wikipedia and Grove City college. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Kengor] and [ http://www.gcc.edu/Home/Staff-Directory/Staff-Detail/paul-kengor ] In the interview titled " Video: Dr. Paul Kengor: The Pennsylvania Voting Curve Doesn’t Line Up ," Dr. Kengor said of the Pennsylvania voting curve "I don't see how this can be statistically possible": "If it is indeed fraud. I want to be very careful. But to lose a margin of 58 to 41 with 600 to 700 thousand votes with one and half million mail-in ballots. Again, Biden would have to have needed over 80%. I don...