Theologian Fr. J.C. Fenton in an 1946 article for the American Ecclesiastical Review wrote the following: - “Under no circumstances can the Supreme Pontiff be in error when he teaches the entire Church on matters of faith." - “The Roman Church as well as the Roman Pontiff is exempt from the possibility of error in faith." - “The Roman Pontiff is incapable of error, not only in decrees of faith but also in precepts of morals which are prescribed for the whole Church and which deal with matters necessary to salvation.” (De Romano Pontifice, 1586; Lib. IV, cap. 5, col. 987). (American Ecclesiastical Review, December 1946; “The Necessity of the Definition of Papal Infallibility by the Vatican Council”) Moreover, Fr. Felton wrote in the article “The Doctrinal Authority of Papal Encyclicals": "The Church can teach infallibly by solemn judgment or by its ordinary and universal magisterium … capable of issuing infallible definitions on matters included in wha...