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Showing posts from October 9, 2016

Are the Total Corruption of Hillary and the Media as well as their Cover-ups almost Satanic?

All Catholics should be deeply disturbed by Wikileaks exposure of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta and his brother Tony being linked to spiritual cooking which according to is a satanic ritual. All Americans should be equally distrubed by the corruption and cover-ups of Clinton and the media. Juanita Broaddrick who accused Bill Clinton of raping her said Trump apologized; where's Hillary's apologies? She said of Hillary's cover-up: "I've never heard one apology for what Hillary Clinton did to me after she threatened me after her husband raped me." Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck  in his  "People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil"  describes evil people as "terrified their false pretense will break down" and "that those in hell are there by their own choice and that they could walk right out of hell if they would relinquish their pride and ask for forgiveness." [ https:...

Are Hillary and Media Cover-ups of Bill Clinton and Obama's Sexual Accusations almost Satanic in Light of Trump and Cain Media Events?

Juanita Broaddrick who accused Bill Clinton of raping her said Trump apologized; where's Hillary's apologies? She said of Hillary's cover-up: "I've never heard one apology for what Hillary Clinton did to me after she threatened me after her husband raped me." Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck  in his  "People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil"  describes evil people as "terrified their false pretense will break down" and "that those in hell are there by their own choice and that they could walk right out of hell if they would relinquish their pride and ask for forgiveness." According to Peck, it would be healing if Hillary asked for forgiveness for her cover-up and apologize as Trump did. In an interview I did with Kathleen Willey for her book “Target" on the sexual accusation and cover-up ," I asked her: Q: In your book “Target” you said “I believe Clinton would have raped me that day, ...