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Showing posts from June 14, 2009

Maybe the most important information you will receive in your lifetime GMOs - Genetically Modified Organisms Maybe the most important information you will receive in your lifetime By Richard Salbato Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 2009 Over the past few months I have been monitoring the Legion of Christ to see if they are obeying Rome’s mandate to remove their founder’s influence, and their vows of silence so opposed to Catholic Doctrine. I was happy to see that the leaders finally admitted to Maciel’s sexual problems, but not sure they are abandoning his methods of mind control, which in short can be called, “The ends justify the means.” I was interested in complaints by parents of members who wanted to sue the Legion because LC leaders were encouraging their new members to abandon their school loan bills after entering the order. Not only is this immoral but because these loans were co-signed by the parents, it meant the parents had to pay the bills. Some of these bills are between $100,000