Is McCarrick Victim James Grein Right that Pope John Paul II & Vatican II Bear Responsibility for the Gay Sex Abuse Scandal?
Dr. Taylor Marshall in his YouTube interview with the ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick victim "James" Grein, made famous in a New York Times article, revealed some of the underlying causes of the Catholic sex abuse crisis. The McCarrick victim revealed that Pope John Paul II, Vatican II and the modernist "spirit of Vatican II" Saint Gallen Mafia who apparently helped bring Pope Francis into power bear responsibility for the gay sex abuse scandal. Grein, in the interview, disclosed that his well connected as well as wealthy grandfather and devout Catholic family befriended the fatherless McCarrick and financed his education as well as introduced him to influential high ranking Church clerics. James' family helped McCarrick reach the heights of Church influence and power over the last decades of the twentieth century. The ex-cardinal, and close collaborator of Pope Francis, repaid the family's kindness and generosity by repeatedly sexually abusing James