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(VIDEO) Border Czar Tom Homan Slams Open Borders Pope – Indicates Potential Raids of Leftist Organizations and ICE Protests: “Watch and See What Happens”

(VIDEO) Border Czar Tom Homan Slams Open Borders Pope – Indicates Potential Raids of Leftist Organizations and ICE Protests: “Watch and See What Happens”

The Nuremberg Trial-like Excuse which Cardinal Burke has so Staggeringly, so Stereotypically Proffered on the Promised “Formal Correction”: “Only a blind man can deny that there is great confusion in the Church” - Cardinal Caffarra

“Only a blind man can deny that there is great confusion in the Church.” An interview with Carlo Cardinal Caffarra about "Amoris Laetitia", the reasons for the dubia, criticisms of the 4 Cardinals, and "the division among shepherds" January 15, 2017   CWR Staff   Interview   2 Print ... Having said all this, Caffarra enters into the matter. “What drove us to this action? A consideration of a general-structural nature and one of a contingent-circumstantial nature. Let us begin with the first. There exists for us cardinals a grave obligation to advise the Pope in the government of the Church. It is a duty, and duties oblige. Concerning [the consideration] of a more contingent nature, moreover, it is a fact – which only a blind man can deny – that there exists in the Church, a great confusion, uncertainty, and insecurity caused by some paragraphs of   Amoris laetitia . In recent months, it is happening that on these fundamental questions regarding the sacramental econ...

Professor Glenn Diesen: "In Ukraine, USAID had a key role in toppling President Yanukovych in 2014..Zelensky won a landslide victory in the 2019 presidential election on a peace platform..US-financed NGO was countered with death threats from US-financed [Nazi?] far-right groups. Zelensky eventually abandoned the peace mandate"

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@ShadowofEzra Tucker Carlson..bombshell, claiming the Ukrainian military is selling up to half of the weapons funded by U.S. taxpayers to Mexican drug cartels at the U.S. border..U.S. intelligence..fully aware..profiting from it

Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra Tucker Carlson has dropped a bombshell, claiming the Ukrainian military is selling up to half of the weapons funded by U.S. taxpayers to Mexican drug cartels at the U.S. border. He further reveals that U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, are fully aware of this operation—and are profiting from it. "The New York Times can get on the web and order Ukrainian weapons." Watch again 1:11 / 1:11 12:02 PM · Feb 10, 2025 · 1M Views