Updated October 9, 2017- The National Catholic Reporter, on October 6, reported that one of Pope Francis's closest advisers Fr. Antonio Spadaro "says the pontiff thinks the Catholic Church can no longer issue general rules that apply to whole categories of people." The Reporter wrote Spadaro speaking of Amoris Laetitia said "that the document recognizes that even people living in 'irregular' family situations, such as divorce and remarriage, 'can be living in God's grace, can love and also grow in a life of grace.'" Then still quoting Francis, Spadaro said: "We must conclude that the Pope realizes that one can no longer speak of an abstract category of persons and... praxis of integration in a rule that is absolutely to be followed in every instance." (National Catholic Reporter, "Bishops deliberate whether one rule applies to all divorced people after 'Amoris Laetitia,' Impossible to judge people based on a n...