"A Lefebvre [& Vigano] Moment": Why is it that Defenders of Catholic Tradition can be Excommunicated by Canon Law while Mass Killing Politicians like Pro-Abort Biden and Hitler can't?
You see, brainwashing requires the potential slaves to the State to eventually put away obvious questions like “Why do I need a sign telling me how to wash my hands?” The answer is simple: Positivistic obedience (aka nominalism) demoralizes you into not believing your lying eyes when all the evidence is to the contrary (such as your mother implying to you as a child that you won’t need a sign telling you how to wash your hands when you’re an adult if you listen well to her today.) So also in the ape of the church, you don’t have to believe what your lying eyes are telling you on who is more Catholic—Francis or Viganò. Rather, now in the ape, excessive authoritarianism rewires subjects to live in fear not only of certain answers—but even certain questions . Neither the nanny-church nor the nanny-state will allow good questions. Why? Because there are no good answers to their arbitrary rules . ( Think of how the Four Cardinals’ Dubia was never answered on heretical Am