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Showing posts from December 12, 2010

Write to Spiritual Descendants of the Original Hermits on Mount Carmel for Prayer

Welcome to the Roman Catholic Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! PRAISE + JESUS! Our Dear Friend in Jesus, We are Spiritual Descendants of the original Hermits on Mount Carmel, the roots of the Carmelite Order of the Ancient Observance. With great joy, hope and love, we come to share with you our life of unceasing prayer in the desert in communion with Jesus Christ, our Good News! Each of us, as a Hermit of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, strives to live in Christ a life of unconquerable faith in the living God. "Pure in heart and steadfast in conscience, we must be unswerving in the service of our Master" — Rule of St. Albert. Ours is a Divine Call to be the praying, healing, forgiving Christ in the Heart of the Church for the sanctification and salvation of priests and all our brothers and sisters in the human family – Constitutions #2. Whoever you are and wherever you are, know that we are praying for you day and night. Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man shed His