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Showing posts from December 8, 2024

[EWTN] Fr. Gerald Murray slams Pope Francis’ making pro-LGBT Timothy Radcliffe a cardinal

Fr. Gerald Murray slams Pope Francis’ making pro-LGBT Timothy Radcliffe a cardinal

Vatican employee says ‘gay lobby’ wields enormous influence over Pope Francis..“have to be green, pro-migrant..above all, pro-Palestinian..Maduro is a saint..Trump is a devil"

Vatican employee says ‘gay lobby’ wields enormous influence over Pope Francis

COWARD? - Why does Feser keep debating easy to KO Mike Lewis, but keeps AVOIDING TOP CHALLENGER DR. MAZZA FOR YEARS?: @FeserEdward..Francis..[on] capital punishment..[vs.] what previous popes..taught..Lewis himself holds that (2000 years of) papal teaching is in error

Is Canelo [Feser]Avoiding David Benavidez [Mazza]? Andres Reyes ,  Author September 10, 2024 Saul Alvarez known as Canelo is one of the best boxers of our time but has been the face of a lot of controversy regarding himself hand picking all his opponents for easy fights. [] Edward Feser @FeserEdward As usual, Lewis pretends that I’m pitting against Pope Francis some thesis of my own about capital punishment. No, I've merely reiterated what previous popes themselves have taught. In dissenting from they said, Lewis himself holds that (2000 years of) papal teaching is in error Quote Mike Lewis @mfjlewis · 22h An analysis of what's at stake for Catholics who reject the 2018 development of Church teaching on the death penalty, including @DrScottHahn , @BishopAthanast , @cardinalrlburke , and @FeserEdward . https:// lty-catholics-part-2-fear-of-rupture/ … 5:59 PM · Dec 13,...