12ThursdayDec 2024
Posted Our Lady, unto sanctification
in O Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and my compassionate Mother, I, with Saint Juan Diego, your faithful and courageous messenger, prostrate myself before your Beloved Image. With all my heart, I, too, desire to be your messenger. With Saint Juan Diego, may my heart be totally one with your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, perfectly united to the glorious-pierced Heart of your Divine Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Conscious of my sins, of the evils oppressing the world and threatening the Church, and of the unrelenting guile of Satan, “the father of lies,” I come before you, seeking your protection and invoking your intercession, that I may belong totally to your Divine Son, King of the Universe and I King of my heart. Incarnate in your womb at Nazareth and born of you at Bethlehem, He came into the world to save me from sin and everlasting death. Obtaining my eternal salvation by His death on the Cross, He gave you to me to be my mother forever. As His Mother, bring Him to me, and, as my Mother, bring me to Him Who alone is “the way, the truth, and the life,” teaching me, as you taught the wine stewards at the Wedding Feast of Cana: “Do whatever He tells you.”
Before the troubles, the miseries, and the pains which afflict me, the world, and the Church, I am tempted to give way to discouragement and to claim helplessness. In moments of temptation, remind me that you have chosen me to be your messenger and that Our Lord, without measure and without cease, sustains with the sevenfold grace of the Holy Spirit a humble and contrite heart. Help me to remain, with you, one in heart with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, trusting that God’s promises to me will indeed be fulfilled. Keeping me “in the hollow of your mantle” and “in the crossing of your arms,” let no trouble, no misery, no pain obscure or diminish my service as your faithful messenger. Rather, with maternal love, encourage and strengthen me to take up steadfastly and joyfully the cross of pure and selfless love, which is indeed my only hope, my only way to joy and peace here and now, and to its fullness in the eternal life of Heaven.
Under your protection and through your intercession, may I, every day and at every moment of the day, give myself anew to Jesus, “my Lord and my God,” and may I, with you, draw to Him the many who do not yet know Him and the many who have known Him but are now far away from Him. Please intercede for me, that, through my conversion of life to Him and through His grace at work in my heart, my every thought, attitude, word, and action may attract others to Him Who alone is their salvation. Please intercede for my family and my homeland, that Christ the King may rule in all hearts from His Most Sacred Heart, pierced by the soldier’s spear as He died on Calvary and now seated in eternal glory at the right hand of the Father, dispelling all darkness, all sin, and all attraction to sin.
O Virgin Mother of God and my compassionate Mother, prostrate before your Beloved Image, I now unite my heart forever to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, finding my true and lasting home in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I consecrate myself to you, the Perfect Virgin, Saint Mary of Guadalupe. I promise to be your ever faithful and courageous messenger on earth. Thus, at the end of my earthly pilgrimage, may I be forever in your company, together with the angels and all the saints, praising and glorifying God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Please accept my Act of Consecration and never let me betray the gift of myself to you which, today, I make with all my heart. Amen.
— Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
12ThursdayDec 2024
Posted Our Lady, unto sanctification
inO Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and my compassionate Mother, I, with Saint Juan Diego, your faithful and courageous messenger, prostrate myself before your Beloved Image. With all my heart, I, too, desire to be your messenger. With Saint Juan Diego, may my heart be totally one with your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, perfectly united to the glorious-pierced Heart of your Divine Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Conscious of my sins, of the evils oppressing the world and threatening the Church, and of the unrelenting guile of Satan, “the father of lies,” I come before you, seeking your protection and invoking your intercession, that I may belong totally to your Divine Son, King of the Universe and I King of my heart. Incarnate in your womb at Nazareth and born of you at Bethlehem, He came into the world to save me from sin and everlasting death. Obtaining my eternal salvation by His death on the Cross, He gave you to me to be my mother forever. As His Mother, bring Him to me, and, as my Mother, bring me to Him Who alone is “the way, the truth, and the life,” teaching me, as you taught the wine stewards at the Wedding Feast of Cana: “Do whatever He tells you.”
Before the troubles, the miseries, and the pains which afflict me, the world, and the Church, I am tempted to give way to discouragement and to claim helplessness. In moments of temptation, remind me that you have chosen me to be your messenger and that Our Lord, without measure and without cease, sustains with the sevenfold grace of the Holy Spirit a humble and contrite heart. Help me to remain, with you, one in heart with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, trusting that God’s promises to me will indeed be fulfilled. Keeping me “in the hollow of your mantle” and “in the crossing of your arms,” let no trouble, no misery, no pain obscure or diminish my service as your faithful messenger. Rather, with maternal love, encourage and strengthen me to take up steadfastly and joyfully the cross of pure and selfless love, which is indeed my only hope, my only way to joy and peace here and now, and to its fullness in the eternal life of Heaven.
Under your protection and through your intercession, may I, every day and at every moment of the day, give myself anew to Jesus, “my Lord and my God,” and may I, with you, draw to Him the many who do not yet know Him and the many who have known Him but are now far away from Him. Please intercede for me, that, through my conversion of life to Him and through His grace at work in my heart, my every thought, attitude, word, and action may attract others to Him Who alone is their salvation. Please intercede for my family and my homeland, that Christ the King may rule in all hearts from His Most Sacred Heart, pierced by the soldier’s spear as He died on Calvary and now seated in eternal glory at the right hand of the Father, dispelling all darkness, all sin, and all attraction to sin.
O Virgin Mother of God and my compassionate Mother, prostrate before your Beloved Image, I now unite my heart forever to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, finding my true and lasting home in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I consecrate myself to you, the Perfect Virgin, Saint Mary of Guadalupe. I promise to be your ever faithful and courageous messenger on earth. Thus, at the end of my earthly pilgrimage, may I be forever in your company, together with the angels and all the saints, praising and glorifying God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Please accept my Act of Consecration and never let me betray the gift of myself to you which, today, I make with all my heart. Amen.
— Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke