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Showing posts from January 13, 2008

Compelling Evidence that Religious Experiences have a Nonmaterial Origin

Compelling Evidence that Religious Experiences have a Nonmaterial Origin Do religious experiences come from God, or are they merely the random firing of neurons in the brain? Drawing on his research with Carmelite nuns, neuroscientist Mario Beauregard shows that genuine, life-changing spiritual events can be documented. He offers compelling evidence that religious experiences have a nonmaterial origin, making a convincing case that it is God who creates our spiritual experiences, not the brain. In his book The Spiritual Brain, Beauregard and co-author Denyse O'Leary explore recent attempts to locate a "God gene" or explain away mystic experiences as due to epilepsy or other pathologies. Beauregard claims such efforts are misguided and narrow-minded, resulting from a refusal to consider anything except a monistic materialist world-view rather than deriving from valid scientific thought. Beauregard explores the latest neurological research on mystic experiences and gets to ...

From the National Review to White Hate Groups and Nazi's

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 White Hate Groups and Nazis Opposing Huckabee In Michigan Ahh it appears many are against Mike Huckabee. From the National Review to White Hate Groups and Nazi's It has not escaped my notice that the usual suspects are at it again. I am not going into it here but It does not surprise me that this is happening in Michigan because of the people involved. Anyway several are spreading the message against Mike Huckabee. They are spreading the Huckabee is anti Catholic myths that have talked about before(Links at the bottom of the post). However they are operating against him on other issues. I sort of monitor hate groups as a hobby and their activity comes as no surprise. Huckabee is a threat to them and their hate on many levels We see this organization the Romanian Vanguard News Agency has a link up. European Americans United another racist group sent out the same thing last night. There is a lot more I might highlight later. The extremist from the Council of...

Epidemic Feared - 'Gays' May Spread Deadly Staph Infection to General Population

Epidemic Feared - 'Gays' May Spread Deadly Staph Infection to General Population WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Reuters has reported that, "A drug-resistant strain of potentially deadly bacteria has moved beyond the borders of U.S. hospitals and is being transmitted among gay men during sex, researchers said on Monday. "They said methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is beginning to appear outside hospitals in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles." "'Once this reaches the general population, it will be truly unstoppable,' said Binh Diep, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco who led the study." According to the study, at this point, homosexual men are 13 times more likely to contract the potentially deadly, drug-resistant strain of staph infection, but the fear is that, because the infection is spread via skin-to- skin contact, homosexual men may soon spread it to the general populati...

Help your Family Connect in the Kitchen?

New Year – New Beginnings! If your family is feeling stressed, why not resolve to make a commitment to eat regular meals together? Research proves that children who eat with their parents five or more times a week are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Coming together to prepare and share meals not only allows you to slow down and enjoy healthy food, it also helps you to build stronger relationships with the people you care about the most. Looking for tips and recipes to help your family connect in the kitchen? Fr. Leo’s new book Grace Before Meals: Recipes for Family Life is full of the information you need to strengthen your bond. []

Radical Assault Against Fatherhood

By Michael D. O'Brien A longish post-script to my newsletter sent out a few days ago. I address this especially to my fellow fathers of families. This morning I re-read an old Zenit news report that quoted from a talk given in the year 2000 by then-Cardinal Josef Ratzinger. It's about fatherhood and the radical assault against fatherhood in societies dominated by materialism. Cardinal Ratzinger refers to both overt tyrannies and to the subtler, potentially more dangerous new totalitarianism of the Western world, and identifies them with the realm of the "Beast of the Apocalypse." He says that God himself "willed to manifest and describe himself as Father ... Human fatherhood gives us an anticipation of what He is. But when this fatherhood does not exist, when it is experienced only as a biological phenomenon, without its human and spiritual dimension, all statements about God the Father are empty. The crisis of fatherhood we are living today is an element, pe...