Luongo: Vivek, Money Wars, Cities, End Game MARK WAUCK AUG 26 ... Regarding Election 2024, TL focuses on Vivek Ramaswamy as running for the VP position, with Trump. I find TL’s remarks to be rather shrewd. As we learn more about Ramaswamy, TL’s misgivings appear to be borne out. On the other hand, I believe TL is presenting too simple a view of how the Ruling Class hopes to finesse the Trump challenge. I see the GOP primaries as serving two potential purposes for the Deep State and Ruling Class. The first—which looks like a complete failure—would have been to find someone who could defeat Trump for the nomination. The second purpose would be to position someone as a strong VP candidate, which could only happen if that person gained a significant following. That hasn’t happened, so I don’t see how Trump could be cornered in that way. The benefit for the Ruling Class in the second scenario would be that if a Trump ticket should win in 2024—in spite of lawfare—Trump could be immediately i...