Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Brett Kavanugh have zero witnesses and her only proof is a polygraph test that is "inadmissible in court because the tests are not reliable" according to
All the witnesses that have come forward say Kavanugh was a moral and honorable young man. Evidence is coming forward that Ford was not so moral or honorable.
According to Cultofthe1stAmendment.blogspot, Ford or someone else recently scrubbed her internet high school yearbooks which disappeared on September 17. The scrubbed website according to the blogspot paints a picture of Ford involved with drunkenness and promiscuity. The website said headlines should read:
"Christine Blasey Ford and the Drunken White Privileged Racist Playgirls of Holton-Arms."
(Cult of 1st Amendment, "Why Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks were Scrubbed: Faculty approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity," September 19, 2018)
On the other hand, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's allegations against Pope Francis have credible witnesses who have come forward and said that his testimony is true such as Monsignor Jean-Francois Lantheaume.
Numerous witnesses have come forward and said Vigano is moral and honorable.
However, Francis's Vatican is known to promote fake news such as the recent Lettergate and Barros Lettergate which forced the Pope to reverse his protection of sex abuse cover-up Bishop Juan Barros.
Macmillan's dictionary says propaganda is:
"[I]nformation, especially false information... spread in order to influence people's opinions and beliefs."
Whereas, Macmillan's dictionary says brainwashing is:
"[T]o force someone to accept a particular set of beliefs by repeating the same idea many times so that the person cannot think in an independent way."
Has the mainstream media/Vatican narrative moved from propaganda to brainwashing?
Despite the facts and opposed to the evidence the various forms of the brainwashing narrative of the mainstream media/Vatican which is "repeating the same idea many times so that the person[s or the gullible public] cannot think in a independent way" is:
Vigano is not a credible witness.
Despite the facts and opposed to the evidence the various forms of the brainwashing narrative of the mainstream media which is "repeating the same idea many times so that the person[s or the gullible public] cannot think in a independent way is:
Ford is a credible witness.
Has the mainstream media/Vatican narrative sunk from promoting propaganda to brainwashing?
Say an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
All the witnesses that have come forward say Kavanugh was a moral and honorable young man. Evidence is coming forward that Ford was not so moral or honorable.
According to Cultofthe1stAmendment.blogspot, Ford or someone else recently scrubbed her internet high school yearbooks which disappeared on September 17. The scrubbed website according to the blogspot paints a picture of Ford involved with drunkenness and promiscuity. The website said headlines should read:
"Christine Blasey Ford and the Drunken White Privileged Racist Playgirls of Holton-Arms."
(Cult of 1st Amendment, "Why Christine Blasey Ford's High School Yearbooks were Scrubbed: Faculty approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity," September 19, 2018)
On the other hand, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's allegations against Pope Francis have credible witnesses who have come forward and said that his testimony is true such as Monsignor Jean-Francois Lantheaume.
Numerous witnesses have come forward and said Vigano is moral and honorable.
However, Francis's Vatican is known to promote fake news such as the recent Lettergate and Barros Lettergate which forced the Pope to reverse his protection of sex abuse cover-up Bishop Juan Barros.
Macmillan's dictionary says propaganda is:
"[I]nformation, especially false information... spread in order to influence people's opinions and beliefs."
Whereas, Macmillan's dictionary says brainwashing is:
"[T]o force someone to accept a particular set of beliefs by repeating the same idea many times so that the person cannot think in an independent way."
Has the mainstream media/Vatican narrative moved from propaganda to brainwashing?
Despite the facts and opposed to the evidence the various forms of the brainwashing narrative of the mainstream media/Vatican which is "repeating the same idea many times so that the person[s or the gullible public] cannot think in a independent way" is:
Vigano is not a credible witness.
Despite the facts and opposed to the evidence the various forms of the brainwashing narrative of the mainstream media which is "repeating the same idea many times so that the person[s or the gullible public] cannot think in a independent way is:
Ford is a credible witness.
Has the mainstream media/Vatican narrative sunk from promoting propaganda to brainwashing?
Say an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.