@RealAlexJones Hamas has called for the destruction of Israel and that is a call for genocide. That’s said it does not give Netanyahu the right to declare Amalek against Gaza. Amalek is the definition of genocide. The Israeli military is using an AI system named “Lavender” to robotically annihilate the people of Gaza. Kill the leaders of Hamas not children..
Hamas has called for the destruction of Israel and that is a call for genocide. That’s said it does not give Netanyahu the right to declare Amalek against Gaza. Amalek is the definition of genocide. The Israeli military is using an AI system named “Lavender” to robotically annihilate the people of Gaza. Kill the leaders of Hamas not children..
The state of Israel is extremely racist towards Gentiles. An example of this is Israeli schools: even among the military, non-Jews are considered animals.
Anyone can look this up and confirm what is written here.
Artificial Intelligence is programmed in this macabre context to shoot down civilians, because, because there is no distinction between civilians and non-civilians, this program can launch a missile in a matter of seconds to the desired target. It is complemented with the system called "Where is Daddy?" which is a tracking system whose individuals have already identified in order to carry out the bombings.
All this is a laboratory against other enemies of the Zionist state for short.