@ChivalryGuild..Life of the Very Noble King of Castile and Leon, Saint Ferdinand III.. What if I told you that you’ve probably never heard of one of the greatest heroes in the history of the West? That’s not to insult your intelligence or your education. I myself hadn’t heard of him until maybe a year ago...
2) The Life of the Very Noble King of Castile and Leon, Saint Ferdinand III by Sister Maria Del Carmen Fernández de Castro Cabeza
What if I told you that you’ve probably never heard of one of the greatest heroes in the history of the West? That’s not to insult your intelligence or your education. I myself hadn’t heard of him until maybe a year ago.
Studying the life of Fernando III gets me started down a highly conspiratorial line of thought. How is it possible that one of the greatest men ever to mount a horse is unknown outside of his own country? Surely the Anglo disdain for all things Iberian hasn’t helped. But it probably goes further.
BAP once noted that the Church distanced itself from the Conquistadors, being too uneasy with their vitality. Well, here’s a Reconquistador—probably the one Cortes and company would have looked to most fondly. And he’s a canonized saint. And the Church seems to have suppressed his great memory, in favor of softer saints like Francis of Assisi.
Either way, read this book and study this man. We will usher in a new era of devotion to the martial saints.
(Word of caution: this book binding is very bad. You must treat the book very gently.)