Bp. Schneider: "[T]he Apostasy... Pope Francis, unfortunately, Defends" vs. St. Bellermine: "The Manifest Heretical Pope Ceases... to be Pope"
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, in his recent interview with Michael Matt on Remnant Video called "Defend & Resist," said about the Francis Vatican Pachamama idolatry:
"[T]he apostasy... even Pope Francis, unfortunately, defends."
Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine said:
"The manifest heretical pope ceases per se to be pope... This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers."
Bishop Schneider who admits that Francis "defends" the "apostasy" or hersey of idolatry, unfortunately, claims a manifest heretical pope can not as Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales says be "deprived" of "the Apostlic See" by the Church.
Why is Schneider a apologist of Francis's "apostasy" by defending the manifest heretical papacy of Francis against two Doctors of the Church and "all the ancient Fathers"?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
"[T]he apostasy... even Pope Francis, unfortunately, defends."
Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine said:
"The manifest heretical pope ceases per se to be pope... This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers."
Bishop Schneider who admits that Francis "defends" the "apostasy" or hersey of idolatry, unfortunately, claims a manifest heretical pope can not as Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales says be "deprived" of "the Apostlic See" by the Church.
Why is Schneider a apologist of Francis's "apostasy" by defending the manifest heretical papacy of Francis against two Doctors of the Church and "all the ancient Fathers"?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.