Vatican expert Maike Hickson at Onepeterfive reported:
"A possible reason as to why Pope Francis wishes this CDF [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith] letter [accordingly to approved by Francis rejecting the majority of the German bishops move to give Communion to Protestants] to remain unpublished is that he is not happy with it."
"... it was Pope Francis himself who... in 2015... opened up to the idea that a Protestant spouse could... [receive] Holy Communion... One well-informed clerical source therefore told Onepeterfive that this move was coming "from the very top in Rome [Francis]."
(," A Crucial Moment For the Church: Intercommunion Debate in Rome in May," April 30, 2018)
Vatican expert Edward Pentin revealed:
""The Register understands from reliable and authoritative sources that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has given his full support to the seven [German] bishops and their letter to the Vatican [CDF which rejected the move to give sacrilege Communion to Protestants].
(National Catholic Register, "Complete Letter of Seven German Bishops on Holy Communion for Protestant Spouses Published," April 25, 2018)
If both reports are true then this is the first time that Benedict has directly went against Francis's moves to give Communion sacrilegiously.
Benedict never countered Francis's moves to give Communion sacrilegiously to adulterous couples, but is apparently directly moving against the current pope, if Onepeterfive's source is correct that the majority of German bishops move comes "from the very top in Rome," on sacrilegiously shared Communion with Protestants
Former consulter to the Congregation for the Doctrine the Faith Msgr. Nicola Bux told Pentin:
"[S]hared Eucharistic Communion... would 'go against Revelation and the Magisterium', leading Christians to 'commit blasphemy and sacrilege.'"
(National Catholic Register, "Theologian: Shared Communion With Protestants Would be Blasphemy and Sacrilege," January 2, 2017)
Pray an Our Father now for Benedict XVI to strongly move against all of Francis's moves to promote sacrilege Communion and to work for a true restoration of the Church as did St. Pope Pius V.
"A possible reason as to why Pope Francis wishes this CDF [Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith] letter [accordingly to approved by Francis rejecting the majority of the German bishops move to give Communion to Protestants] to remain unpublished is that he is not happy with it."
"... it was Pope Francis himself who... in 2015... opened up to the idea that a Protestant spouse could... [receive] Holy Communion... One well-informed clerical source therefore told Onepeterfive that this move was coming "from the very top in Rome [Francis]."
(," A Crucial Moment For the Church: Intercommunion Debate in Rome in May," April 30, 2018)
Vatican expert Edward Pentin revealed:
""The Register understands from reliable and authoritative sources that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has given his full support to the seven [German] bishops and their letter to the Vatican [CDF which rejected the move to give sacrilege Communion to Protestants].
(National Catholic Register, "Complete Letter of Seven German Bishops on Holy Communion for Protestant Spouses Published," April 25, 2018)
If both reports are true then this is the first time that Benedict has directly went against Francis's moves to give Communion sacrilegiously.
Benedict never countered Francis's moves to give Communion sacrilegiously to adulterous couples, but is apparently directly moving against the current pope, if Onepeterfive's source is correct that the majority of German bishops move comes "from the very top in Rome," on sacrilegiously shared Communion with Protestants
Former consulter to the Congregation for the Doctrine the Faith Msgr. Nicola Bux told Pentin:
"[S]hared Eucharistic Communion... would 'go against Revelation and the Magisterium', leading Christians to 'commit blasphemy and sacrilege.'"
(National Catholic Register, "Theologian: Shared Communion With Protestants Would be Blasphemy and Sacrilege," January 2, 2017)
Pray an Our Father now for Benedict XVI to strongly move against all of Francis's moves to promote sacrilege Communion and to work for a true restoration of the Church as did St. Pope Pius V.
Because it would "'go against Revelation and the Magisterium', leading Christians to 'commit blasphemy and sacrilege.'"
Just because a Pope does a sinful thing doesn't mean that it SHOULD be done.