Why is Bp. Schneider who claims "a heretic & apostate..still belong[s] to the Catholic Church" making an exception for Fr. Martin, but giving pro-LGBT Francis a pass?: Schneider said "Fr. James Martin’s pro-LGBT agenda disqualifies him from being cardinal" according to LifeSite
Bp. Schneider, Cdl. Müller say Fr. James Martin’s pro-LGBT agenda disqualifies him from being cardinal
Recent online rumors claimed Pope Francis was considering making Martin a cardinal.
Schneider shared the cardinal’s sentiment.
“We cannot promote persons who are [constantly] undermining the truth with ambiguous actions and words, like Father Martin who is promoting sin in the Church,” he said. [ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/bp-schneider-cdl-muller-say-fr-james-martins-pro-lgbt-agenda-disqualifies-him-from-being-cardinal/]
Bishop Schneider: Pope Francis ‘showed great cordiality towards me’