@laralogan STATEMENT FROM JAN 6 DEFENDANT LEFT BEHIND: “..Why is the ONLY man with a recording of the FBI/DHS ALSO the ONLY J6er left in jail? De Oppresso Liber - Jeremy Brown, USSF MSG (Ret.)
“First, I'd like to congratulate those who are happy with the news they received today and to those who are not, I encourage them to say "THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!". Mr. Trump was handed a very detailed and legally sound plan, but he chose not to follow it.
Second, I'd like to thank the outgoing Communist Puppet's Staff (world knows that Joe Biden can't do anything) for proving me correct and providing a list of names, in the form of nonexistent "pre-pardons" (Pardons are for crimes, not future charges.) that can now serve as proof of the Military/Intelligence Coup I've explained for 3+ years and those who were involved. Why "Pardon" the fraudulent J6 Select Committee, disgraced GEN Mark Milley, Ashli Babbitt's murder, Racist Michael Byrd and the supporting actors from the US Capital Police who perjured themselves on the stand and in the media, if they weren't involved in an orchestrated attack to setup lovers of our Constitutional Republic? As the ONLY clear pick for Deputy Director of the FBI, I know no better list of names to start my HUNT for the TRUE Criminals behind J6. (PLEASE send this to Mr. Kash Patel)
Lastly, I was NOT issued a commutation NOR pardon and I'll remain in the DC Jail. Please, ask yourself and anyone you know...
Why is the ONLY man with a recording of the FBI/DHS ALSO the ONLY J6er left in jail? De Oppresso Liber - Jeremy Brown, USSF MSG (Ret.) WhoIsJeremyBrown.com JeremyBrownDefense.com