@marklevinshow Juan Merchan will go down in history as one of the most appallingly dishonest and disgraceful judges ever...e jury instructions will be horrendously poisonous. His contempt for the justice system is without parallel...
Juan Merchan will go down in history as one of the most appallingly dishonest and disgraceful judges ever. It is now clear why he was assigned the Bragg case. The fix was in long before the trial began. And he’s not done. The jury instructions will be horrendously poisonous. His contempt for the justice system is without parallel. To this day, I don’t believe we know the full extent of this man’s conflicts and corruption, including the outside influences and communications. What we do know is bad enough. The question now is whether there will be at least one honorable, courageous, and patriotic juror who will refuse to participate in this Stalinist-Biden sham of all shams, and say no, I cannot and will not go along with this; my country is too important to me to join in killing it. Let’s pray so.