Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith I'm tired of the trope 'we've had bad popes before'..By promoting the agenda of the enemies of humanity..Bergoglio is the worst enemy the Catholic Church has ever faced...
I'm tired of the trope 'we've had bad popes before'
We are enduring an unprecedented catastrophe in the Church
A man claiming to be pope is using his usurpation of the See of St.Peter to destroy the Petrine office
By promulgating heresies and depraved immorality in an attack on Divine Revelation
By attacking the authentic worship of God
By attacking true successors of the apostles
By rejecting Petrine titles and traditions
By venerating pagan idols
By allying himself with enemies of the Church such as abortionists, eugenicists, communists
By showing greater respect to false religions than to the Catholic Faith
By promoting the agenda of the enemies of humanity
Jorge Bergoglio is the worst enemy the Catholic Church has ever faced