St. Paulus haec dicit cogitare (says think of these things): "All that is true, whatever modest, whatever just, whatever is holy, whatever lovely, whatever good reputation, If any virtue, if any praise"
I've formed the impression that to some Catholics, traditionalism is the Church's most urgent and dangerous threat today, perhaps the only threat to the Church. Reading their persistent polemics, I can only refer such polemicists to the counsel of St. Paul the Apostle:
De cetero, fratres,
Quaecumque sunt vera,
Quaecumque pudica,
Quaecumque iusta,
Quaecumque sancta,
Quaecumque amabilia,
Quaecumque bonae famae,
Si qua virtus, si qua laus,
haec cogitate.
Quae et didicistis et accepistis et audistis et vidistis in me,
Haec agite, et Deus pacis erit vobiscum.
Philippians 4:8-9 []