Very interesting, Trad Inc & Sedes apparently don't like Pope Benedict & seem to agree on a lot of stuff: Fr. Kramer: "Salza... deliberately mak[es] it appear that he is accusing... Pope Benedict of the Dolus of Formal Heresy while exonerating the Heretic Bergoglio"
Your reaction: Pope Benedict XVI
Very interesting, Trad Inc and Sedes don't like Fr. Kramer and agree on a lot of stuff:
book "On the True and the False Pope: The Case against Bergoglio" on
what Kramer believes is Salza's position on Pope Benedict XVI and
"Salza... deliberately mak[es] it appear that he is
accusing... Pope Benedict of the dolus of formal heresy while
exonerating the heretic Bergoglio." (Page 326)
BUT—unlike what
some Sedevacantists teach—the loss of faith does not, in and of itself,
sever a man from the body of the Church. A mortal sin against faith
does not, in and of itself, sever a man from the body of the Church.
And if the man who loses the faith happens to be pope, he does not
thereby lose his office. This is a crucial point that is often missed
by even the most learned defenders of the Sedevacantists’ position.
Formal heresy in the internal forum only severs a man from the soul of
the Church. It requires formal heresy in the external forum to sever a
man from the body of the Church, and formal heresy in the external forum
is declared heresy by the proper authorities—i.e. a Church Council. -
Catholic pundit Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi's article "Why does Father Paul
Kramer still maintain that Francis is not the true
pope?" - The Catholic Monitor []
The Catholic Monitor seems to get some Sede comments on a regular basis because we're not afraid to have discussions with them unlike the Trad establishment (Trad Inc). Interestingly, both apparently don't seem to like Pope Benedict XVI. Strangely enough, it appears that the two seem to have a lot in common:
Sedevacantism started after faithful bishops and priests recognized the VII heresies and the "popes", cardinals and bishops who promoted it.
BiP was started and is being pushed by lay "faithful".
Kramer's book "On the True and the False Pope: The Case against Bergoglio" on what Kramer believes is Salza's position on Pope Benedict XVI and Francis:
"Salza... deliberately mak[es] it appear that he is accusing... Pope Benedict of the dolus of formal heresy while exonerating the heretic Bergoglio." (Page 326)
BUT—unlike what some Sedevacantists teach—the loss of faith does not, in and of itself, sever a man from the body of the Church. A mortal sin against faith does not, in and of itself, sever a man from the body of the Church. And if the man who loses the faith happens to be pope, he does not thereby lose his office. This is a crucial point that is often missed by even the most learned defenders of the Sedevacantists’ position. Formal heresy in the internal forum only severs a man from the soul of the Church. It requires formal heresy in the external forum to sever a man from the body of the Church, and formal heresy in the external forum is declared heresy by the proper authorities—i.e. a Church Council. - Catholic pundit Jonathan Ekene Ifeanyi's article "Why does Father Paul Kramer still maintain that Francis is not the true pope?"[]