My brother Joe shows how E. Michael Jones and Michael Savage are alike:
I heard the diatribe against the Catholic Church last year on his show. That's when I stopped listening, I was going to give you the details but figured best left unsaid because I knew you liked listening. It's one thing to attack misdeeds of clergy and another to attack the institution and it's authority. Same whith E. Michael Jones misrepresenting the authoritative teaching of the church on Catholic/Jewish conciliation. Sort of leaves me whith mixed emotions because Jones is a true intellectual and great at researchng his topic and Savage can break it all into quick concise soundbites. Seems both are projecting their personal emotional baggage, marketing it to sell, in the hope others will carry it on for them in their self- righteous myopic forums . They know the GREIVANCE GAME and although they rail about the civil rights hucksters, they know how to turn the same techniques to their personal advantage. That's how evil operates, everyone has some unresolved issues and certain individuals know how to work emotional associations of this kind to motivate others to further their own agenda.
"I love Cardinal Burke, but I've run out of patience": A Vatican expert who has met Francis & wishes to remain anonymous gave The Catholic Monitor an impassioned statement for Cardinal Burke & the faithful bishops: End the Bergoglio Borgata
Catholic Conclave @cathconclave @Pontifex thanks journalists for practicing omertà. The mind boggles at the scale of the possible coverups that this has enabled. How does he think a use victims feel when hearing this statement Quote Damian Thompson @holysmoke · Jan 22 Incredible! Pope Francis lets the cat out of the bag, thanking Vatican correspondents for their "silence" and therefore helping him conceal the scandals of his pontificate. Take a bow, guys! 8:23 AM · Jan 22, 2024 · 345 Views The moral crisis and "doctrinal anarchy" as Vatican expert Edward Pentin and others have written about in the Church caused by Francis has reached the breaking point where all faithful Catholics must pray for and demand that Cardinal Raymond Burke and the faithful bishops issue the correction and investigate if Francis is a n invalidly elected anti-pope . That is the purpose of this post. A Vatican expert who has met Francis and wishes to remain anonymous gave The Catholic Monit