Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith Before the usurpation of Bergoglio I was typical of the NO -- unaware of my ignorance I received communion in my hand... I accepted that Vatican II introduced NO doctrinal 'innovations'...Bergoglian tyranny has radicalized me: Now I only receive communion on the tongue, kneeling down...
Before the usurpation of Bergoglio I was typical of the NO -- unaware of my ignorance
I received communion in my hand, standing
I had no knowledge of Latin
I accepted Eucharistic Prayer 2 was ancient
I accepted that Vatican II introduced NO doctrinal 'innovations'
I assumed the Catechism of the Catholic Church was the measure of orthodoxy
I assumed Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI were sound and reliable guardians of the Faith
The Bergoglian tyranny has radicalized me:
Now I only receive communion on the tongue, kneeling down
I learn Latin everyday
I can't bear Eucharistic Prayer 2
I realise Vatican II marks a catastrophic rupture with Tradition
I prefer Pope St Pius X's Catechism, and don't trust the CCC
I have doubts about the reliability of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI in certain areas of the Faith