@boriborikua LOL, The "Francis confession and the Francis creed are hilarious & dismaying at the same time. AP Bergolio is the worst in church history.
Vatican issues vaccine mandate for all employees
Donald Trump Defiantly Declares ‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine Mandates
Former President Donald Trump released a fiery video statement, vehemently opposing attempts to reinstate COVID-19 restrictions, including lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. [https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/donald-trump-defiantly-declares-we-will-not-comply/]
Donald Trump Defiantly Declares ‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine MandatesClimate Dogmatism: Francis Has Found a Substitute for the Catholic FaithCLIMATE DOGMATISM: FRANCIS HAS FOUND A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE CATHOLIC FAITH [https://www.gloria.tv/post/uYSkhMpwu3L81ULdgwm9wRRvU] |
Francis said he wants to add "ecological sin" to the Catechism of the Catholic Church according to LifeSiteNews:
"'We have to introduce―we are thinking about it―to the Catechism of the Catholic Church the sin against ecology, the 'ecological sin' against our common home, because a duty is at stake,' Pope Francis told his hearers. The Argentinian pontiff made the remark in a speech he gave today to the 20th World Congress of the International Association of Penal Law in Rome."
[https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-proposes-adding-ecological-sin-against-common-home-to-catechism ]
I think his focus on only ecological sin is too narrow. He needs to bring everyone up to speed on all the new and improved Francis-sins for the Francis-confessional.
Here is what that new and improved Francis-confession at the Francis-confessional might sound like:
Bless me Father-Mother for I have sinned. It has been about four years since my last Francis-confession.
I feel so bad because I failed to prostrate before the ecological pagan Pachamama idols in the Francis Vatican gardens.
I allowed myself in enter into the near occasion of sin against the Francis dogma of global warming by viewing on the internet websites not controlled by the liberal establishment, I am so ashamed, then I fall into sin by reading independent scientists' evidence against Francis's vaccine mandates and prediction that climate change doomsday is near.
This caused me to fall into the sin of doubting Francis's teachings that only an one-world government can save the planet from the COVID and global warming doomsday.
I was very faithful to the Francis teaching on adulterers going to to Communion, but one week ago I broke up with my adulterous partner and still went to Communion without trying to reunite with my partner in the adulterous relationship.
Finally, Father-Mother, and I don't know if you or Francis can forgive me - it may be the Francis unforgivable sin - I had a moment of weakness when I doubted the George Soros and Francis gospel on the supreme teachings of Climate Change and abortion-tainted vaccine mandates that Francis has substituted for the Catholic faith... and, I... I can hardly say it... I voted for Donald Trump.
"I believe in Francis and that it is infallible dogma that he is pope no matter what evidence shows that he violated the Pope John Paul II constitution that governed the validity or invalidity of the 2013 conclave. He suffered under Bishop Rene Gracida who classified the evidence that the constitution was violated and called the cardinals to investigate. He descended into the Vatican gay lobby. He ascended to the papal throne where he sits surrounded by the gay lobby cardinals from where he shall judge the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments and all the infallible Catholic teachings."
"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the Communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of globalist teachings which embodies the Soros gospel of unlimited mass immigration, climate change, an one-world government and the goddess Mother Earth everlasting."