Mazza: "Benedict XVI who Relinquished all the Power of Governance [as the Bishop of Rome]... remain[ed]... Pope [the Successor of Peter]." Might Socci Agree?
Antonio Socci in his book said "during the days of the polemical
statements [by Team Francis] concerning Ratzinger's preface to the book
of Cardinal Sarah Bergoglio [Francis] gave a homily that seemed to be a
criticism of the pope emeritus, specifically for his 'halfway'
Francis said:
"[A] pastor has to... take his leave well, to not leave only halfway."
Socci questioned:
"To whom is he referring? To Benedict XVI who relinquished all the power of governance while remaining pope?"
(The Secret of Benedict XVI, Pages 123-124)
In Francis criticizing Benedict's "'halfway' resignation" is he implicitly admitting the apparent thesis of Dr. Ed Mazza that "Benedict
XVI who relinquished all the power of governance [as the Bishop of
Rome]... remain[ed]... pope [the Successor of Peter]" according to
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as
well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of the Mary.
Is Benedict XVI not still Pope by virtue of still being Vicar of Christ?
Jorge Bergoglio, even if he is legitimately "Bishop of Rome" could still be called "Successor of Peter".
But not "Vicar of Christ" (a title which he rejects).